As promised, this page is my
current "dump" for all the ancient Greek-era impressions besides the
Persian War hoplite. Very much under construction! I
don't want to say that I plan to complete a full kit for each of
these listings, but, um...
Forgive my loose usage of the term "Archaic", since
strictly speaking that includes the popular Persian War
era. In this case I mean the centuries before about
550 BC, when we can see significant differences in
clothing and equipment, compared to the Persian
Wars. While this era saw the rise of the hoplite and
the development of the phalanx itself, it is surprisingly
obscure in terms of literature and history. Between
the Trojan War and the Persian Wars, there are virtually
no commonly-known events or even personalities, so it can
be more difficult to communicate the significance of the
era to the public. There are archeological remains,
however, and there is certainly plenty of artwork in the
form of Black-Figure and Geometric vase paintings.
And there is cool
stuff! The early form of Corinthian helmet, the
narrower Doric chiton (with armholes at the sides), the
bell cuirass, and the Naue II-type sword--subtle details
which combine to give a noticeably different appearance
overall. Javelins with throwing loops are commonly
seen, or pairs of spears, implying a phalanx with its own
missile capability.
Clothing: Narrow Doric chiton, generally with decoration
on the hem, sometimes made in wrap-around fashion with the
opening at the front
Helmet: Archaic Corinthian, Illyrian, even a Kegelhelm if
you go early enough
Armor: Bronze bell cuirass, early greaves; upper and lower
arm guards (right arm only) are also known, as well as
thigh guards.
Shield with whatever "early" features can be traced
(depth, rim angle, etc.), and early emblems
Spear, often with optional javelin with throwing loop.
Optional sword, Naue II style
The Doric chiton is generally depicted as
narrow and not baggy, without the later pleats and draped
look. There is often decoration at the hem and
neck. Mine is made from an old blanket, and the color
is a shade that madder can give. The decoration is
embroidered with purple wool yarn.
My Archaic helmet is described on the Helmets page.
I made my "iron" Naue II sword by grinding it
out of 1/4" mild steel scrap with an angle grinder.
The blade is about 21" long, and the hilt is ebony (African
blackwood). http://www.hippeis.com/forum/index.php?topic=1191.0
Yes, yes, Spartans--not
really my thing, but I will do what I can to help! As far as
we can tell, the Spartans of the Persian Wars and earlier were not
equipped much differently from any other Greeks. They DID
wear red! There is still some debate as to whether that
meant a red chiton or red chlamys or red tribon, or everything,
but most folks go with chiton and chlamys. Then we can argue
about the shade of red--scarlet comes from rather expensive dyes,
and seems un-Spartan because of that. So the alternative is
madder, which is cheap but makes a more orangey-red or salmon
color, more like my Archaic chiton above. It can be
difficult to find madder-red wool, but 18th century reenactor
suppliers often carry it as it is used for British uniforms.
A color such as terra-cotta may also work. Finding madder
shades in linen is nearly impossible, unfortunately.
Spartan shields are said to
have been made so that the porpax was detachable, and several of
those found at Olympia have hinge tubes at either end of the
"arch". These would mate with corresponding tubes on the
vertical bands, and be secured with removable pins. Another
option is to put 4 or 6 loops like large cotter pins on the back
of the shield (like the loops holding the rings for the carrying
cord), which pass through slots in the ends of the porpax (where
it lies flat against the back of the shield). Lockpins hold
the porpax in place. Without the porpax firmly fixed in
place, of course, the shield cannot be used by potentially
rebellious helots. Obviously, modern hinges or other
hardware should not be used!
Oddly enough, it is NOT at
all certain that Spartans took to using the lambda symbol (for
Lakedaimonia) on their shields even after the Persian Wars.
Such letters do seem to have been used by some other cities,
certainly for sport (the armored footrace) but not necessarily for
war. The few references we have are of debatable value, and
the sources that *should* discuss such things are frustratingly
silent (possibly because such details were common knowledge!).
Spartans are also known for
carrying short swords, as in the famous story of the mother
telling her son to "add one step forward". While examples of
the xiphos with blades as short as 12 inches are certainly known,
artwork does not seem to show such weapons in use until after the
Persian Wars. So like the lambda shield emblem and pilos
helmet, the short Spartan sword is apparently more a feature of
the Peloponnesian War era. On the other hand, dagger-length
Naue II swords have been found, proving that large daggers or very
short swords were known earlier in the Archaic era.
The changes from the Persian Wars to the Peloponnesian Wars
are subtle, but should not be glossed over or ignored. Probably one of
the most significant was that the Corinthian helmet was out
of style and would have been quite rare. Thracian and
Chalcidian types were the most common, and inexpensive pilos
or bell helmets were becoming popular. Body armor seems
to have been less common overall, though the muscled cuirass
and leather spolas were still seen. Much of these
changes accompany the growing use of mercenaries and
professional troops to supplement or replace the traditional
"militia" forces.
Clothing: Standard Ionic chiton, or exomis (worn off right
shoulder); chlamys; sandals or boots or shoes
Helmet: Thracian, Phrygian, Chalcidian, pilos, Boeotian/bronze
petasos, or *felt* pilos
Armor: Muscled cuirass (uncommon); leather tube-and-yoke; possibly
quilted linen tube-and-yoke; also what might be
thick/quilted narrow tunic or kilt (perizoma?); or NONE!
Optional greaves.
Sword: long or short xiphos; kopis
Shield and Spear, obviously--and frankly, that and a chiton will
do, in a pinch!
While light troops throwing javelins and rocks had long
supported the hoplite, Thracian mercenaries became popular
after the Persian Wars. These men typically fought
unarmored, carrying javelins and a shield called the
pelta, for which they are named. This was smaller
than the aspis and apparently made of wicker covered in
hide, and generally had a crescent shape. Thracians
wore distinctive caps (often of fox skin), colorfully
patterned cloaks, and tall lace-up boots.
At left is Dan
Zeidler in his favorite Thracian kit. His cap is
wool, and his boots are converted from modern "Apache"
boots by replacing the fringe with flaps. He made
his pelta from a pair of wicker door mats sewn together
and cut to shape, covered with leather front and
back. He frequently commented on its light weight,
compared to the typical aspis...
At right, my own
Thracian gear is worn for the first time by Chris
Goshey. Eat my dust, Dan!
Here Quinton J. has deserted the barbaric Legio III
Cyrenaica (ahem!) to play peltast for the day. He
wears my wool Thracian cap and carries the (at that time)
unfinished wicker pelte that I got from Joe Balmos.
Finding fabric for a
convincing Thracian cloak may be impossible without having
it custom-woven! They all had horizontal stripes
which were zig-zagged, crenelated, wavy, etc.
Something of an approximation might be a blanket or serape
of Mexican style, such as those from Crazy Crow
Outfitters, http://www.crazycrow.com/pendleton-wool-blankets-and-accessories
. But you'd want something at least 72" wide (with
stripes horizontal). (Photo by David McDavitt.)
Finished pelte
below! The face is covered with thin leather
whip-stitched on with hemp, and painted with milk
paints. The porpax is two crossed leather bands (one
of several variations seen in artwork), and the antilabe
is twisted leather thongs. The carrying strap is
woven fabric band. The shield is three feet wide.
the other main components. The cloak is called a
zeira, and while the originals presumably had all their
decoration woven in, I sewed everything on by hand.
The boots I originally made for fantasy use, largely a
15th century pattern. I opened up the front and
added laceholes and flaps. They are made of
deerskin. The cap is wool, and I'm not quite
satisfied with the pattern. There is usually a
turned-up bit across the front, but I wasn't able to make
that work with the flaps hanging down at the sides.
Some caps had no point or a flatter top, others had a
larger raised part (like Dan's, above), while the coolest
ones were made of fox or genet hide complete with the
animal's head at the front and the tail hanging down the
The psilos was a light infantry skirmisher, throwing
javelins or even rocks. The Spartans often employed
helots in this role, and hoplites of other states might
use slaves or poor men. Psiloi are often depicted as
very rustic in appearance, clad in a simple herdsman's
chiton, with a felt cap and an animal hide for a
cloak. With that and a bag of rocks, you're off to
During the Peloponnesian Wars,
an Athenian general named Iphikrates allegedly implemented a series
of reforms to the standard hoplite kit starting around 374 BC, in an
effort to lighten it and increase the soldier's effectiveness.
These reforms are described only by two much later writers, and we
actually can not be sure how widely these reforms were adopted (if
at all!). In short, he replaced the large aspis shield with
the lighter pelta, metal body armor with linen, and lengthened the
spear and sword. These troops were known as peltasts even
though they were definitely meant to be "heavy" infantry, fighting
in formation as hoplites.
It is not clear whether "pelta" in this case refers to an
oval version of the Thracian wicker shield, or the dished wooden
shield used by later Macedonian pikemen (below).
For the best discussion of the
Iphikrates is said to
have replaced sandals with boots which were easier
to lace up, and these became known as "Iphikratids". While many
sorts of footwear are depicted in Greek art, we
don't know if any of the boots we see are supposed
to be Iphikratids.
Most likely they were an ankle-boot, since a
knee-high boot would presumably involve as much
lacing as any sandal.
Below are my
Iphikratids in progress. I based the yellow
paper pattern at top on Giannis' old sandal pattern,
and made a cardboard and cloth mockup at bottom
before cutting out the leather. I believe this
to be a more accurate pattern, the upper wrapping
around the back of the foot with no seem up the
back. The edge of the uppers wrap under the
insole and are glued to hold them until they are
stitched. An insert fills the space between
these edges. The outer sole is sewn on with
"channeled" stitching, the stitch holes being driven
into a shallow slit cut into the face of the
leather, to protect the thread from wear. The
last photo shows the inside, with a needle on each
end of a single length of thread, and no channeling
needed inside.
Clothing: Standard Ionic chiton, or narrow (Doric) chiton, or
exomis; shoes or low boots; chlamys
Helmet: Pilos (best guess), Boeotian/bronze petasos, Thracian,
Chalcidian, Phrygian, etc.
Armor: Quilted linen tube-and-yoke, or leather, or NONE.
Shield: Small round dished wooden Macedonian-style shield, or oval
(probably not crescent) wicker pelta
Spear: 12 feet long; long xiphos
While the heavy infantryman of Macedonia and Hellenistic
Greece was referred to as a hoplite, and fought in a
phalanx, the modern term "phalangite" is often used to
distinguish him from the popular hoplite of 500 BC.
His weapon was the sarissa, a two-handed pike, and his
phalanx could be up to 16 ranks deep. It was a very
different form of combat!
At left, the debut of
my Macedonian kit at the Virginia Junior Classical League
convention, November 2014. The Phrygian helmet was
made in India, probably by Al-Hammd, and it's actually a
pretty good helmet. I am supported by a peltast and
a thureophoros. I am actually holding my long spear
in these photos, since having the assembled sarissa with a
crowd of students around was just a tad dangerous!
(Photos by David McDavitt.)
At right is the 2015
convention, and I decided to put the pike together for a
while. It's about 19 feet long and approximately 9
pounds. And it's hard to get it all in one
photo! Several of the teachers asked to try it out,
which has never happened with a regular spear. It
was also funny to see the students come around the corner
and watch their eyes go up and up as their mouths hung
The sarissa was originally
18 to 20 feet long and probably weighed 8 to 10 pounds. It could
be made of ash, though cornel wood is also mentioned. The shaft
tapered from about 1-3/8" at the butt to less than
an inch at the point.
There is no real evidence that the shaft was ever
made in two pieces, and in fact a number of surviving 16th
and 17th century pikes are tapered ash of that length, and
are known to be perfectly functional weapons. The head
would have been quite small and light to prevent the
sarissa from being unmanageable, and there was a heavier
Various artifacts have been identified as sarissa parts,
though there is little artwork to confirm these
theories, and reconstructions have met with widely
varying success.
A short piece of iron tube from Vergina has often
been hailed as a coupling sleeve for a two-piece sarissa
shaft, but this is complete speculation as well as
There also seems to be a tendency to use the
largest surviving spearheads as sarissa points, which of
course is illogical considering the tremendous leverage
they have at the end of a long pikeshaft. (Note
that 16th and 17th century pikes always had small
It should be noted that a
two-piece sarissa shaft may be a matter of necessity for a
modern reenactor, considering the problems of storage and
It is also difficult to find ash poles of
sufficient length.
Beyond that, beware of reconstructions which are
untapered or too flexible.
The bottom part of my
sarissa is ash, 10 feet long, 1-3/8" at the bottom tapering to
1-1/8" at the junction. This has more flex than I'd
expected, but it would allow the pikes behind to arch over my
hands. The top part is made from a hardwood pole, 8 feet
long, 1-1/8" tapering down to under an inch. They are joined
by a steel tube, and I had no sauroter at that time. (Please
forgive the modern clothing in this backyard test.) The
point is the Small Spearhead from Kult of Athena--I trimmed a
little off the socket to reduce the diameter.
Staring with square-section wood is easier than
tapering a dowel, since you can draw lines on it to mark the
desired dimensions and simply cut with a power saw. Then use
an electric hand planer and rasps to round it off.
HOPEfully at some point my blacksmithing nephew will be
able to forge a nice iron Vergina-style sauroter for my
sarissa, the type with the four flanges. In the
meantime, I cobbled this together out of several brass
odds and ends, based on a couple examples from
Olympia. Obviously the real ones were cast in one
piece! This one is a little light, but even at a
full 2 pounds it won't really do much to balance the
weight of a 19-foot shaft!
shield or pelte is 26 inches in diameter, and is basically
made the same way as an aspis but without the
rim. I used poplar planks for the "donut"
method. The front and back are covered with canvas,
and the fittings are based on some from Olympia. The
carrying cord has a slip knot on it and has yet to be
adjusted, since it will be used to sling the shield around
my neck to leave my hands free to hold the sarissa.
So far I have only done a couple brief tests, but it seems
to work best with the porpax actually resting on my left
forearm, otherwise the shield rests too low and exposes my
upper torso.
The decoration is taken
from the tomb fresco at Agios Athanasios. The
8-point star and peltiform motifs are VERY common in
Macedonian artwork, not just on shields.
Narrow chiton with armholes at sides, sandals/shoes/boots,
chlamys, etc.
Helmet: Thracian, Phrygian, pilos, Chalcidian, Boeotian/bronze
petasos, various Macedonian types (possibly iron!)
Armor: Muscled cuirass (rare), bronze or iron; leather
tube-and-yoke; possibly quilted linen tube-and-yoke; or
NONE. Optional greaves
Sword: Xiphos or kopis
Shield: Aspis or Macedonian pelta (small dished wooden)
Sarissa OR spear
Hellenic Macedonia--Artifact Photo Gallery. Includes
Philip II's equipment and more.
Literally "door
carrier", this Hellenistic soldier was named for his tall
oval shield, the thureos. It is clearly Celtic in
origin, having a wooden spine boss and a horizontal
handgrip. Thureophoroi were widely used as
mercenaries by Alexander's Successors, from the 3rd
century BC onwards. Many of them came from Galatia
and other Celtic areas. Chris G. wears a Boeotian
helmet and a xiphos.
Narrow (Doric) chiton with armholes at sides, or Ionic
chiton, or sleeved tunic, sandals/shoes/boots, chlamys,
Thureos shield--oval, flat or dished, wood covered w/
leather/hide/linen/felt, wood spine boss, horizontal grip
Helmet: Thracian, Phrygian, pilos, Chalcidian,
Boeotian/bronze petasos, various Macedonian types
(possibly iron!)
Armor: leather or quilted linen tube-and-yoke; or NONE;
possibly mail (like Roman hamata) after 300 BC
Spear, possibly javelins
Sword: Xiphos or kopis
Though the thureos is generally accepted to have been
flat, it may have been slightly dished, though not as deep
as the aspis. In either case, it was most likely
made of a single layer of vertical planks laid
edge-to-edge, thickest in the center and thinner at the
rim. The wood core would be covered with leather,
rawhide, or fabric. Obviously, if modern plywood is
used, it must be completely covered. The wooden boss
and spine might have been covered as well, but can be
nailed and glued in place over the covering. A
bronze or iron strip or butterfly boss can be seen in
artwork as well. The total height can be anywhere
from 3 to 5 feet, but something in the 4-foot range seems
My thureos at left is
c. 3/8" plywood, planed down to a quarter-inch thick at
the rim. It is covered with canvas front and back,
and painted with casein/milk paint. The leather rim
is stitched on. It is 39" tall by 23" wide.
The boss is carved from a single piece of wood, something
I grabbed off the firewood pile. The spines are
about an inch thick and 1-1/2" wide where they meet the
boss, tapering down to c. 5/8" thick by an inch