Mail was the "standard"
before the introduction of the lorica segmentata,
and it continued in use among auxiliaries
legionaries throughout the imperial period. It is not known what
the ratio of hamata to segmentata might have been in the mid-first
AD, but either is acceptable.
Mail was also worn by standard-bearers, musicians, and centurions,
and of course by auxiliary troops.
Roman mail was generally made of iron, with rings as small as 1/8" in diameter, in the common "4 in 1" pattern. Usually, half the rings were solid--either punched from sheet metal, or cut from wire and welded shut--while the rest were riveted shut. The solid rings were roughly square in cross-section, i.e., the difference between the ring's inner and outer diameter was the same not much greater than the thickness. The wire for the riveted rings could be round (usually) or square. While it was long believed that some Roman mail rings may simply have been butted shut, closer analysis of surviving fragments has not revealed any definite proof of that. There is evidence that the rings could be tinned or even gilded!
Roman rings with an inside diameter of c. 5 mm and an outside
diameter of c. 7 mm were apparently very typical. An outside
diameter of 10 mm or 3/8" seems to have been about the maximum, but for
our purposes an outside diameter of about 1/2" will be accepted.
Steel wire of about 16 gauge is typical for reproductions, though
thinner is better particularly for smaller or riveted rings. PLEASE
your money
for the better stuff--riveted mail is available from several suppliers. See the suggestions below,
and consult the Commander. Note that wearing mail
does NOT mean that you are limited to wearing a Coolus helmet!
This is a modern stereotype, and any acceptable Imperial-Gallic or
Italic helmet is an option. |
The typical
mailshirt is
sleeveless or has short sleeves (c.5"), and reaches to about
The shoulder doubling, shaped like a square-bottomed U (at right), was
probably backed by leather (c. 2-3 ounce), which is
over the edges and stitched through. On most modern
reconstructions the doubling is attached to the body by a row of rings
along the back bottom edge, but two surviving Roman shirts from Britain
have small buckles riveted to the back, presumably to secure the
shoulder doubling. Riveted to the center of the chest is a pair of S-shaped hooks of iron or brass, which hook onto a button or stud on each flap. For auxiliary cavalry and some officers, the shoulder doubling has wider flaps which drape over the shoulders. This is apparently a Celtic variation, as shown here. It could be more of a circular cape, attached around the neck opening, but the evidence for this is shaky. At some point in the later first century most auxiliaries began to wear shortsleeved mailshirts without shoulder doublings, though the doubling is still seen on legionaries on the Trajanic Adamklissi monument. The zig-zagged edges seen on the mailshirts on Trajan's Column might be only an artistic convention. |
There does not seem to be any direct evidence that the Romans "tailored" their mail, adding or subtracting rings from certain rows to shape the shirt. Since mail naturally conforms to the body, any hamata will fit a number of different-sized people, even without tailoring.
The chest hooks were frequently cast brass, but they were also sometimes made from sheet brass or iron. Studs were often cast as well, but can be made simply by riveting discs in place, not tightly but with some extra length on the shaft of the rivet. Solid brass or pewter buttons have also been used, and some sort of large-headed nail might work.
You will need a subarmalis
to wear between your hamata and your tunic. Not only does this
your tunic clean, but it has become clear that some fairly stiff
and/or leather is essential to allow mail its full protective
When properly made and properly padded, mail has been shown to be a far
more effective defense than was once thought. It is extremely
to cut or break any of the rings under battlefield conditions, though
course it is possible to damage the wearer without actually cutting
the mail. The shoulder doubling may have been backed with leather
(or padding), which would have to be cut so that the flaps flair
in a slight curve as on the ancient
Greek linothorax (linen cuirass). This prevents them from
up strangely at the shoulders. (The mail itself can be cut
because it flexes easily to the proper shape.)
Thanks to Erik D. Schmid for much of the information on this page!
For a PDF file with DETAILED
of several original pieces of Roman-era mail, click here:
For a brief article about a
lorica hamata excavated in Britain, click here: http://www.armatura.connectfree.co.uk/arma/mail.htm
Photos of original pieces of
lorica hamata on the Roman Hideout site, http://www.romanhideout.com/armamentarium.asp,
and at the Online Collection of Roman Artifacts, http://www.roman-artifacts.com/.
Find-It Armory --http://www.finditarmory.com.
Great lorica hamata only $425!
Alternating rows of riveted and solid rings, 8mm inner diameter (c.
10mm outer diameter), proper shoulder doubling with leather edging, and
reasonable brass chest hooks. They also offer an even better
hamata with 6mm inner diameter rings for c. $800.
Get Dressed For Battle may be a good source--their mail is reportedly quite good though we have not seen it yet. Their Indian manufacturers, Indian Handicrafts & Textiles Syndicate, assure us that they are producing excellent mail with 6mm inner diameter rings. They also retail through Battle-Merchant in Germany, http://www.mittelalterwaffen.com/ , and may also sell direct from India: ashok AT syndicate-group DOT com
The best reproduction mail
at the moment is custom-made by Erik D. Schmid,
though it is expensive. Unfortunately, he is not taking new
orders at the moment.
Deepeeka offers a
properly-shaped hamata, apparently in a variety of ring sizes,
and metals. The main complaint is that their rings are all
rather than half riveted and half solid. The rings are also a tad
large, and the flattened ends are exaggerated. The chest hooks
could be
better, too. This may all be improved in the next few
months, but currently Find-It Armory and GDFB are better options.
Several other suppliers
sell medieval-style mailshirts with butted rings that might be modified
into a lorica hamata by using rings from the sleeves and possibly the
to make the shoulder doubling. Riveted
would be harder to modify, though a few lines of butted rings where
are necessary might not be very noticeable. And Forth Armory
loose rings and rivets (and riveting tongs) for repairs and
(Beware of galvanized mail.)
Obviously, you can also make
your own mail!
Making Roman-Like Riveted Maille
Riveted Maille
Butted mail is the simplest type of armor to make, requiring only wire and a few simple tools, though it does take time! We are also trying to phase butted mail out of use in Legio XX, so if you are planning on being an active member you should get riveted mail instead. Here is one of the numerous websites which show the process:
Butted Mail: A Mailmaker's Guide
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