Hazardous Materials Acronyms. The following is a partial glossary of acronyms drawn from both my own experience and acronym lists published by the US EPA and Army Corps of Engineers. Please e-mail me if you see any glaring omissions. |
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ACE | US Army Corps of Engineers |
ACGIH | American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists |
AIHA | American Industrial Hygiene Association |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
ASTM | American Standards of Testing and Materials |
AWWA | American Water Works Association |
BRAC | Base Realignment and Closure |
CA | Cost Analysis |
CCME | Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment |
CDAP | Chemical Data Acquisition Plan |
CERCLA | US Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act |
CEPA | Canadian Environmental Protection Act |
CFR | US Code of Federal Regulations |
CGI | Combustible Gas Indicator |
CIH | Certified Industrial Hygienist |
CMI | Corrective Measures Implementations |
CMS | Corrective Measures Studies |
CO | Contracting Officer |
CoE | US Army Corps of Engineers |
Con-HTRW | Containerized Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste |
COR | Contracting Officer's Representative |
DERP | US Defense Environmental Restoration Program |
DFAR | US Defense Federal Acquistion Regulation |
DOT | US Department of Transportation |
DOT-E | US DOT Exemption |
EC | Engineering Circular |
EE | Engineering Evaluations |
EFAR | US Engineering Federal Acquistion Regulation |
EM | Engineering Manual |
EM | Electromagnetic |
EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
EOS | End of Service |
EPA | US Environmental Protection Agency |
ER | Engineering Regulation |
FAR | US Federal Acquisition Regulation |
FEMA | US Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FID | Flame Ionization Detector |
FUDS | Formerly Used Defense Sites (US) |
GC | Gas Chromatography |
GPR | Ground Penetrating Radar |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Material |
HAZWASTE | Hazardous Waste |
HC | Hazard Class |
HMT | Hazardous Materials Table |
HMR | Hazardous Materials Regulations (US) |
HSDA | Health and Safety Design Analysis |
HSWA | Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (US) |
HTRW | Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste |
HTW | Hazardous and Toxic Waste |
IA | Implementing Agency |
IAQ | Indoor Air Quality |
IDLH | Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health |
IRP | Installation Restoration Program (US) |
LDR | Land Disposal Restrictions (US) |
LEL | Lower Explosive Limit - the lowest concentration of gas or vapor in air by volume that can be ignited and cause an explosion or flame propagation |
LFL | Lower Flammable Limit - the lowest concentration of gas or vapor in air by volume that can be ignited |
LTD QTY | Limited Quantity |
MCX | Mandatory Center of Expertise |
MOE | Minister of the Environment (Canada) |
MSC | Major Subordinate Commands (US) |
NESHAPS | National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
NIOSH | US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health |
NIST | US National Institute of Standards Technology |
OEW | Ordnance and Explosive Waste |
OEWHTW | Ordnance and Explosive Waste/Hazardous Toxic Waste |
ORM-D | Other Regulated Material - Consumer Commodity |
OSHA | US Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
PA | Preliminary Assessment |
PAT | Proficiency Analytical Testing or Laboratory Accreditation programs |
PCB | Polychlorinated Biphenyls |
PEL | Permissible Exposure Limit (OSHA) |
PG | Packing Group |
PID | Photoionization Detector |
PIN | Product Identification Number (Canada) |
POLs | Petroleum, Oils, Lubricants |
POPS | Performance-Oriented Packaging Standards |
POTW | Publicly Owned Treatment Works |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
PRP | Potentially Responsible Party |
PSN | Proper Shipping Name |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QC | Quality Control |
RCRA | US Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
REL | Recommended Exposure Limit (NIOSH) |
RFI | RCRA Facility Investigations |
RI | Remedial Investigations |
RQ | Reportable Quantity |
SARA | US Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act |
SCBA | Self Contained Breathing Apparatus |
SHER | Safety, Health, and Emergency Response |
SHP | Safety and Health Program |
SI | Site Inspections |
SSHO | Site Safety and Health Officer |
SSHP | Site Safety and Health Plan |
ST | Short Term |
STEL | Short Term Exposure Limit |
TCX | Technical Center of Expertise |
TDG | Transport of Dangerous Goods (Canada) |
TDGA | Transport of Dangerous Goods Act (Canada) |
TDGR | Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Canada) |
TOX | Total Organic Halogens |
TX | Total Halogens |
TLV | Threshold Limit Value |
TSCA | US Toxic Substances Control Act |
TSD | Treatment, Storage, and Disposal |
TSDF | Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility |
TWA | Time Weighted Average |
UEL | Upper Explosive Limit - the highest concentration of gas or vapor in air by volume that can be ignited and cause an explosion or flame propagation |
UFL | Upper Flammable Limit - the highest concentration of gas or vapor in air by volume that can be ignited |
UHWM | US Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest |
UN | United Nations |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
UST | Underground Storage Tank |
UXO | Unexploded Ordnance |
WSR | Waste Shipment Record |