[Through a Glas Darkly - Images]

November 23, 2003.
Chattanooga - Lady K and SpiritChaser.

Images of Us
Images of Friends
Gallery by Glas

[Solstice: the Change of Seasons]

[Winter approaches Autumn]
Winter approaches Autumn


[Is it Autumn?  Is it Winter?]
Is it Autumn? Is it Winter?

[Contest of the Seasons]
Contest of the Seasons

[Will Autumn remain?]
Will Autumn remain?

[Winter conquers all]
Winter conquers all

[Truce for a time]
Truce for a time

[What do they see?]
What do they see?

[Changing of the guard]
Changing of the guard

[Until next year]
Until next year





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This page (except for others' work) © 2001-2003 by Glas.