The Walk Through Bethlehem at the Seventh Day Adventist World Headquarters will NOT be held this year. They needed a break, it seems. Instead they are having a concert, with details at The Walk Through Bethlehem should be back next year.
The Bethlehem Market Place at St. Luke's Lutheran Church in Silver Spring, MD, is on Friday December 1, 7:30 to 9:30 PM, and Saturday December 2, 1:00 to 4:00 PM. We should have two or three soldiers there for each show, if possible. Admission for the general public is a non-perishable food item. This is the only show featuring live animals at their manger scene!
Last year we added Parkwood Baptist Church to our list for the first time, and were very well-received. The date is December 9-10, and the contact is Sam Roberts, 703--- (cell) or 703--- (home). They are also asking for two or more soldiers. This is on Braddock Road in Burke, VA, so it's more convenient for our Virginia members than the Maryland shows.
For all of these shows, be there a good half-hour to an hour early to have time to change and get armored. We usually wear our normal mid-first century gear even though that's a bit "high tech" for the scenario, but you can certainly aim for a more Augustan impression if you like (mail, Coolus helmets, Mainz gladius, etc.). NO PILA! They make a bad mix in heavy crowds. No packs are needed, though you may carry a slung satchel if you like. All the shows are indoors; St. Luke's has tiled floors so I'll bring brown tape to cover your hobnails for safety.
For anyone who has not done one of these shows before, they are not at all like our usual public events, but they are a LOT of fun. We are posted at various points (often doing real crowd control duty), and have only a couple minutes to heckle and threaten each group of visitors before they move on. Stay in character--gripe about the conditions, whine about the locals, complain about the army, try to recruit the kids, and oppress the little old ladies.
Please let me know which shows
you want to attend. Thanks!
Mike Cope has decided to sell off a few pieces of gear, since he has two or three of most things. Contact him at vergil96 AT comcast DOT net for details and haggling. All items are well-maintained and in great condition, and "Legio XX Approved".
--Corbridge type A lorica segmentata made by Joe Piela of Lonely
Forge, $500.
--Museum Replicas Pompeii gladius, $350. Mike replaced the whole
hilt and added openwork decoration to the scabbard. Second from
in this photo:
--Mainz/Fulham type gladius, prototype blade from Albion Armorers,
hilt and scabbard by Mike, $250.
Roman Army Talk board member Adrian W. just spent a couple weeks in India, working with Deepeeka to improve a large number of their products. The results are amazing! The emphasis was on helmets, not surprisingly, but we should also be seeing a new belt and dagger, sword improvements, and more. For details, see the Deepeeka section of the Roman Army Talk board, in particular the thread entitled "Peroni's Progress Update Diary":
I'll be taking a look at all
the photos in the next few weeks
and updating the website, but basically ANY of the improved or
new items should be completely acceptable for Legio XX use (noting that
some are not from our usual time period).
New items include a new version of
Italic D from Krefeld, Italic
B, Coolus D, Gallic F, and at least one style of Montefortino
Folks interested in later eras will see excellent progress on a number
of helmets as well.
From Rusty Myers, Legio VI Ferrata:
Pompeii Dies Pro Vesuvius: Pompeii, the Day Before Vesuvius
NOTE NEW DATE! February 2-4, Mobile, Alabama
We have been contacted by the
Exploreum Museum (
regarding hosting an event February 2-4, 2007, in conjunction with the
US Premier of the Pompeii Exhibit opening at the Museum in Mobile,
Essentially this would be a
Friday, Saturday, Sunday event, so
we would look to a Late Thursday/early Friday arrival time. The
is looking at assisting re-enactors with reimbursement for travel, very
low hotel rates for those who need to hotel ($55-$75 at a brand new
Marriot which is re-opening in conjunction with the Pompeii
A feast Saturday evening, and most importantly:
Free admission to actually see the
Pompeii Exhibit (perhaps with
a private guide). This exhibit will be touring the US in 2007 and I
will only be at about 4 locations nationwide, so that is a unique
The event would be hosted at the USS Alabama State Park (
which also has a number of attractions many of us would find
We will be able to stay onsite, camp, and cook. Think of it as
with a Battleship, and events for the re-enactors, plus a chance to see
the Pompeii Exhibit.
Basically I need to know how many
folks are interested!
Pretty much any Roman impression will be welcome, as we will be taking
the Castra Romana Marketplace and plan to have a large soldiers camp, a
market, and other Roman related events. Soldiers?
Senators? Vendors? I do not need a commitment now, just
numbers for planning. Please shoot me an email at justuslonginus
AT aol DOT com
with numbers or ideas.
December 1-2 --Bethlehem Marketplace, St. Luke's
Church, Silver Spring, MD. 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM on Friday, 1 to 4
December 9-10 --Bethlehem show at Parkwood Baptist Church,
April 14-15, 2007 --Marching Through Time, Marietta
ADLOCVTIO is the Official Newsletter of the Twentieth Legion,
published on the Ides of each month. I am Quintus, aka Matthew
the Legion's Commander and Editor of the Newsletter,