Vol. XX, no. ii, February 2010


    The Legion has been invited to participate in a cultural fair at Chancellor High School in Fredericksburg, Virginia on March 6, 2010.  It will run from 11 AM to 4 PM (plan to arrive around 10, of course!), and will be mostly indoors.  Instead of the tent we'll have a table for showing off all our junk.  This fair is a chance for different areas of the Spotsylvania County school division to showcase the benefits of studying, and therefore learning more about, different languages and cultures.  Sounds like a good way to knock the winter rust off the armor!   Four local restaurants will have booths selling food, and I will also bring typical Legion munchies.  Be aware that the tile floors may be slick!  I'll bring tape to cover hobnails, or you can wear non-nailed shoes.  Let me know your plans, please.  Directions: 


    And our first *big* event of the year will be April 17-18, Marching Through Time.  The Legion will be encamped at Marietta Mansion in Glenn Dale, MD, with about 30 other historical groups.  This year the final Pass in Review has been omitted, to give us more time with the visitors.  Mark your calendars!  More details to follow.

ROMAN DAYS!! --by Deb Fuller

Friday I had a meeting with the staff at Riversdale, the new site for Roman Days.  As I mentioned before, they are listing RD as "Rome at Riversdale" on their calendar but it will still be centered around the same RD that we all have come to know and love.  The street address is: 4811 Riverdale Rd, Riverdale, MD 20737, 

Dates are set for the first weekend in June, 5-6.  Hours will be 10-4 on Saturday and 12-4 on Sunday.  The reason for the shorter hours on Sunday is that Riversdale is that is their normal operating hours and they are worried about getting enough volunteers to staff the grounds for both days.  Not to worry!  This means we have extra time on Sunday
so we can all sleep in a little bit, do some drill or just hang out and socialize.  The public usually doesn't start showing up in force until noon on Sundays anyway.

Arrival and set-up is on for all day Friday.  Friday night is also open for "caligae camp" and pizza social if there is enough interest.  I'm assuming there is since it seemed to go really well 2 years ago at Marietta.  The nice thing about Riversdale is that it is more urban and there is a pizza joint around the corner so Allison and I won't have to go on a major expedition to get stuff.  (Wasn't there someone else that went along on the great pizza trek as well?)

New for RD10 - one major addition to RD will be tying the ancient classical period to the Federal period (c. 1800-120ish).  Riversdale is a c. 1800 mansion and is interpreted pretty much exclusively for that period.  The staff is very creative about programs and isn't completely locked into that era but their programs have to somehow tie into the mansion and time period.  No problem.  As well all know, the Federal period was all about the neo-classical revival and there are loads of ways to tie ancient Greece and Rome.  (In other words, you guys will be able to chuck your spears at the Celts to your
heart's content but we might have some people in other period funny clothes wandering around.)

The schedule for both days will basically be the same as previous years but we'll have to fill time for the two house tours that Marietta ran.  These Federal programs will help fill those slots.  We'll probably have some other activities going on around the camp as well.  So if anyone has good research on classical influences on early America, please send them my way.  The staff is really easy to work with and is open to new and cool ideas so we have the opportunity to do some really neat stuff here.

For example, we had the idea for an "architecture scavenger hunt" for the kids where they try and find examples of Greek and Roman architecture on the mansion.  This will not be hard  as the mansion has a great columned portico on the front which will make a great stage!  BUT, if any of you have an urge to make models of Greek and Roman buildings (*cough*RANDY*cough* ;), go right ahead!!  Another addition will be adding Federal costume to the end of the fashion show to show how the two eras tie together.

So, I'm excited!!  Is it June yet?

Questions?  Comments?  Have you all asked for time off yet so you can come to Roman Days 2010?



    I just discovered that Deepeeka now offers GOOD BELTS!  At last!  Two different models, in fact:  AH6760 "Roman Belt"--Simple ring-motif plates (actually stamped?) and a nice buckle, no pugio frogs or apron.  AH6725 "Roman disc legionary belt, 1cent AD"--can't quite make out the frogs, but looks great overall!  I am rating both of these as "Approved" for Legio XX use, barring any hidden disasters once I get a close look at them.

    From Rusty Myers, lovely baskets from c. 1920 Switzerland:   He says the ones he got were in great shape.  Of course, you'll only want to buy those *after* ordering a few hand-made split oak ones from Robert Wear of Legio V Alaudae!  Very cheap and excellent, several sizes available. robertjwear AT gmail DOT com


Castra Lafe, 43 AD, March 18-21, 2010
Hosted by Legio II Augusta, Lafe, Arkansas 


Castra Aestivia V Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada May 29 & 30, 2010 (Memorial Day Weekend)

The event is located just south of Tillsonburg in Ontario which is 2 hours drive from Port Huron or 3 hours from Detroit and about 2.5 hours from Buffalo. The event features military leadership, black smithing, patrols, drill, archery, pilum, sling and rock throwing competitions at a recreated Roman marching camp. For more information contact royals1 AT rogers DOT com


There is an event being planned for Fort Ticonderoga in New York State on October 2-3, 2010, organized by Greek hoplite reenactor Christian Cameron:
Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain in upstate New York is looking to put on a Classical time line event. That is to say, the time line would start in 500 BC and run to 500 AD.

The Fort is interested in a full educational program, with interpreted camps and lectures. In addition, I would expect that we could arrange needle felt areas, some patrol scenarios, and some serious immersion--the Fort has been very gracious in supporting immersion events for other periods in the past. Most of the staff are, or have been, reenactors, and they are happy to support us if we support their educational programs.

Next question--any interest out there?  If successful, this would be an annual event, with a big audience and a great deal of media attention--at least, that's how all their other events work. I'd like to use it as a platform to get North Americans eager for Marathon in 2011--but I'd be happy to see Roman and non-Roman impressions as well.

Taken from this thread on RAT: 


   March 6 --Fredericksburg Cultural Fair
   April 17-18 -- Marching Through Time, Marietta Mansion, Glenn Dale, MD
   June 5-6-- ROMAN DAYS
   September 4-5 --Virginia Scottish Games
   September 11 --Hartwood Days Fair, Fredericksburg, VA


ADLOCVTIO is the Official Newsletter of the Twentieth Legion, supposedly published on the Ides of each month.  I am Quintus, aka Matthew Amt, the Legion's Commander and Editor of the Newsletter, matthew_amt AT yahoo DOT com,