Vol. XVIII, no. vii, July 2008


    August 16-17 is the Feast of St. Gabriel in Little Italy, Baltimore, and the organizer is hoping we can send a few Romans.  The location is St. Leo's Church, 227 S Exeter St, Baltimore, just northeast of the Inner Harbor.  This will be pretty much like the Festa a few weeks ago in Washington DC, but it runs both Saturday and Sunday, 12 noon to 8 PM both days.  On Sunday morning there will be a mass at 9:30 followed by a procession.  Free food will be provided for participants, and parking is available only a block away at a school and a public garage.

    As always, let me know if you would like to participate.  We can carpool, too!  


    The next Roman Days will be on the weekend of September 26-28, 2008 (not June!), at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.  Richard, Deb, and Alec have been hammering out the details--HUGE thanks to them for all work they've been doing!   The discussion is on the Roman Days list, 

    The Fairfax County Latin Teachers Association is heavily involved, and will be arranging for a few hundred high school students to attend.  We have also gotten a positive response from Eta Sigma Phi, the national Classics honor society (with chapters at a number of local colleges and universities).  So right off the bat we are sure to get a much larger audience than we have had in years past.

    Apologies for the delay in getting the website updated!   There's been an awful lot going on behind the scenes, as it were.  Changing the event to a new site has been much more difficult than we'd imagined.  But hang in there!  Roman Days will happen!

FILMING, from David Smith

Friends, Romans, "barbarians," et al:


I have been in contact with a film maker who is interested in shooting a docudrama in Gettysburg-- probably the weekend AFTER Roman Days.

This film maker is interested in "fit" and "accurate" Romans and "barbarians," including some civilians.

Details about pay/legal have not been worked out, but the film maker has asked me to coordinate personnel, equipment, etc.  When I get more information, I'll start contacting unit leaders for individual talent shots and resumes. The director wants me to stress two things:
1) Reenactors must be fit enough to look like active legionaries;
2) Reenactors must be willing to get their equipment wet and/or dirty.

The reason this project seems especially cool is that the director is willing to shoot narration/dialogue in Latin with English subtitles, and is interested in doing some battle sequences with "barbarians. "  Also, there would be camp scenes demonstrating aspects of daily camp life.  I have already suggested that this film maker visit Roman Days, Lafe, Pompeii II, etc. to get an idea of what we Romans can do.  Let's show the shiny boys of Ermine Street Guard that we Yanks have come of age!

Since there are already Revolutionary War and American Civil War docudramas out there, why not for Rome?

Please let me know if anyone is interested. This project will involve a screening of individuals, working with the casting director, so if you have a 'talent shot,' that would be great.

dsmith7070 AT comcast DOT net



Attention, all legions! You are summoned to Charlotte, a city in North Carolina on September 5-7, 2008, where you will partake in maneuvers and drills and displays of offensive and defensive weapons.

Discovery Place is pleased to invite Roman civilian, legion and gladiator reconstruction groups from throughout the southeast and the United States to participate in a living history tableau of a Roman military encampment.

Discovery Place is also honored to host the Legions, Gladiators, and their guests at a private evening, Saturday, to include complementary admission to the international exhibition, A Day in Pompeii, with guided tour; all science galleries filled with fun hands-on science exhibits;

Check out for more information on the exhibition.

Castra Romana combined with the exhibition A Day In Pompeii provides an exceptional opportunity to educate the public on what daily life was like in a provincial first century A.D. Roman town and for the Roman armies that built the great Roman Empire.

Encampment set-up begins Thursday September 4, 2008
Encampment location: The Fourth Ward Park, two blocks from the Science Center
Public hours: The encampment will be open 9 AM to 5 PM Saturday and 9 AM to 2 PM Sunday
School group tours: Friday 11 AM to 1 PM for legion groups that are already encamped.

We are exploring discounted or affordable motel accommodations.  More details to be provided as soon as available. If you intend to stay in a motel, contact Rusty Myers, justuslonginus AT aol DOT com

Vendors of Roman Period Wares are also invited to attend

For more information about participating in the event, please contact Rusty Myers of Legio VI, Re-enacting coordinator, at justuslonginus AT aol DOT com or 843-437-5587 

The Discovery Place Museum
301 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

   August 2-- Monthly workshop
   August 16-17-- Italian Festival (Feast of St. Gabriel), Baltimore
   September 6-- Monthly workshop
   September 26-28-- Roman Days!


ADLOCVTIO is the Official Newsletter of the Twentieth Legion, supposedly published on the Ides of each month.  Yeah, I know, eleven days late this timeā€¦  I am Quintus, aka Matthew Amt, the Legion's Commander and Editor of the Newsletter, matthew_amt AT yahoo DOT com, .