Feature Game of the Month Prestiege

December 3, 2006 - GA-010-D - Atlanta, GA

Reported in the Regional Coordinators Report on XX/XX/200X

** = Reduced due to category maximums.

Notes: These awards supercede and replace awards from the January 2006 report
  1. All "event supply fund" recommendations removed - site fees
  2. All "winning bid" recommendations removed - received merchandise
  3. All "setup" & "break down" awards combine at 5 total max - per prestige guidelines
  4. Maximum regional = 1/2 of line item award
  5. Maximum # of hours at event = 8 hours
  6. * = line item affected by Special Event max of 50 prestige
  7. Food Bank = 1 prestige per can
  8. Photography donations = 1 prestige per 2 images
  9. All "mage" awards removed as it wasn't the featured venue
  10. "Pending" & "Temporary" members cannot earn prestige
NameCam #GRTypeDescription
Allison, MirandaUS2002022650123EVT-SPCVolunteer: on call first aid volunteer, 8 hrs
Barnes-Herrmann, KelleyUS200202122621EVT-SPCDonation: box of desert crackers
Bell, StephanieUS2004082000164EVT-SPCVolunteer: photography staff, 39 images
Bibb, CarimeUS200306174882EVT-SPCVolunteer: Event flyers Auburn & Montg. (60)
Boudreaux, EdwardUS200202244473EVT-SPCOrganizing: created website layout & templates, Oct
Boudreaux, EdwardUS200202244482EVT-SPCOrganizing: Website maintenance, Nov
Boudreaux, EdwardUS2002022444179EVT-SPCDonation: photography staff 66 images + webspace
Conger, JaseUS2005022929164EVT-SPCVolunteer: registration 2 hrs + fundraiser 2 hrs
Conger, JaseUS200502292931EVT-SPCVolunteer: set up team 2 hrs
Evins, AshleyUS200510663341EVT-SPCDonation: two 12 packs soda
Flegal, DianaUS200207639431EVT-SPCVolunteer: set up team 2 hrs
Flegal, LoraineUS2002066284195EVT-SPCVolunteer: photography staff, 48 images
Gibbs, MichaelUS300320667372EVT-SPCDonation: box of cookies + 12 pack soda x2
Gibbs, MichaelUS300320667382EVT-SPCVolunteer: registration team 1 hr + fundraiser 1 hr
Gowell, TonyUS2002023696196EVT-SPCVolunteer: registration team 3 hrs + fundraiser 3 hrs
Gowell, TonyUS200202369631EVT-SPCVolunteer: set up team 2 hrs
Graham, JoshUS2003071807196EVT-SPCDonation: 10 lbs of baked ham) + (cost $50) supplies for baked goods
Graham, JoshUS200307180721EVT-SPCVolunteer: break down team 1 hr
Hargis, DavidUS200409203231EVT-SPCVolunteer: setup team 2 hrs
Harley, SeanUS2005022948178EVT-SPCDonation: (cost $75) supplies for baked goods
Harley, SeanUS2005022948187EVT-SPCNarrator: (Floor ST) 7 hrs Sat
Hicks, JohnUS200504337631EVT-SPCVolunteer: set up team 2 hrs
Hofmann, DavidUS2002106704205EVT-SPCVolunteer: Food Service Team 5 hrs
Hofmann, DavidUS200210670441EVT-SPCVolunteer: + setup 2 hrs + break down 1 hr
Hunkins, CassyUS200503312682EVT-SPCDonation: (100 napkins, 100 plates, 300 toothpicks)
Jones, BrianUS200202160255EVT-SPCOrganizing: 10 hrs props & decorations prep, Nov
Jones, BrianUS200202160241EVT-SPCVolunteer: setup 2 hrs + break down 1 hr
McCampbell, LukeUS200504333131EVT-SPCVolunteer: set up team 2 hrs
Mills, HarrisonUS200501265231EVT-SPCVolunteer: set up team 2 hrs
Mizis, ScottUS2003121156205EVT-SPCDonation: food, silverware, plates, drinks, disp. cameras
Mizis, SueUS2004122525205EVT-SPCDonation: food, silverware, plates, drinks, disp. cameras
Needham-Murray, TraciUS2002056167178EVT-SPCVolunteer: First Aid Coordinator, 8 hrs
Rawlings, WarrenUS200202168231EVT-SPCVolunteer: setup team 2 hrs
Rector, JanekaUS200202130055EVT-SPCOrganizing: 5 hrs organizing supplies & volunteers prep, Nov
Rector, JanekaUS2002021300178EVT-SPCVolunteer: Guest Services Coordinator, 8 hrs
Richardson, ScottUS2002034021196EVT-SPCVolunteer: Food Service Team 6 hrs
Richardson, ScottUS200203402131EVT-SPCVolunteer: set up team 2 hrs
Rose, CharlieUS200202114955EVT-SPCOrganizing: 5 hrs pre planning prep, Oct
Rose, CharlieUS200202114955EVT-SPCOrganizing: 10 hrs pre planning prep, Nov
Rose, CharlieUS200202114982EVT-SPCDonation: Event flyers
Rose, CharlieUS200202114982EVT-SPCVolunteer: Event flyers Atlanta & Nashville (70)
Rose, CharlieUS2002021149 *28EVT-SPCVolunteer: Primary Event Coordinator, 8 hrs
Rummel, JasonUS200202115155EVT-SPCOrganizing: Lead Storyteller, Requeim 10 hrs pre planning prep, Nov
Rummel, JasonUS2002021151196EVT-SPCNarrator: (Lead ST) 6 hrs
Rummel, JasonUS200202115182EVT-SPCVolunteer: registration team, Requiem IC, 2 hrs
Simmons, LaTriceUS2002034222205EVT-SPCNarrator: (Floor ST) 5 hrs
Simmons, LaTriceUS2002034222123EVT-SPCVolunteer: registration team, Requiem IC, 3 hrs
Snowdon, LissaUS200406157455EVT-SPCOrganizing: Food service team, Dec 8 hrs
Snowdon, LissaUS2004061574178EVT-SPCDonation: (cost $75) supplies for baked goods
Snowdon, LissaUS200406157441EVT-SPCVolunteer: registration team, Requiem OOC, 1 hr
Snowdon, LissaUS200406157421EVT-SPCVolunteer: break down team 1 hr
Sternenberg, WilliamUS200202100841EVT-SPCDonation: (cost $10) supplies for baked goods
Sternenberg, WilliamUS200202100831EVT-SPCVolunteer: set up team 2 hrs
Tocco, BrianUS200202241631EVT-SPCVolunteer: setup team 2 hrs
Tocco, DixieUS200404141431EVT-SPCVolunteer: set up team 2 hrs
Wasson, LuciannUS200410219255EVT-SPCOrganizing: 5hrs pre planning prep, Oct
Wasson, LuciannUS200410219255EVT-SPCOrganizing: 10 hrs pre planning prep refreshments, Nov
Wasson, LuciannUS200410219232EVT-SPCOrganizing: editor for event program, Dec
Wasson, LuciannUS200410219282EVT-SPCDonation: donated materials for event program
Wasson, LuciannUS2004102192 *68EVT-SPCVolunteer: refreshments 8 hrs
Wasson, LuciannUS2004102192 *01EVT-SPCVolunteer: break down 1 hr
Woodward, AbbyUS200202320321EVT-SPCVolunteer: break down 1 hr
Yarbrough, SharonUS200202244755EVT-SPCOrganizing: 5 hrs pre planning prep, Sep
Yarbrough, SharonUS200202244755EVT-SPCOrganizing: 10 hrs pre planning prep + website content, Oct
Yarbrough, SharonUS200202244755EVT-SPCOrganizing: 10 hrs pre planning prep + website maint, Nov
Yarbrough, SharonUS2002022447 *72EVT-SPCOrganizing: 2 hrs post event activities, Dec paperwork, follow up
Yarbrough, SharonUS2002022447 *08EVT-SPCDonation: IC invitation flyer + 5 disposable cameras + 4 decoration boxes
Yarbrough, SharonUS2002022447 *02EVT-SPCVolunteer: Event Coordinator 2 hrs
Yarbrough, SharonUS2002022447 *01EVT-SPCVolunteer: + setup 2 hrs + break down 1 hr
Young, NathanUS2005023011123EVT-SPCVolunteer: Food Service Team 3 hrs
Young, NathanUS200502301121EVT-SPCVolunteer: break down 1 hr


Note: These awards supercede and replace awards from the January 2006 report.

NameCam #GRTypeDescription
Asbell, MattUS20020662492COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Asbell, TesaUS20020351481COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Baldwin, JillUS20051169031COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Barnes, JasonUS200203453621COMSVDonation: 3 cans of food
Barnes-Herrmann, KelleyUS20020212262COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Baughman, ToddUS20020228411COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Castleberry, LarryUS20020210901COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Charlton, LisaUS20020210941COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Clower, JessicaUS2002196809164COMSVDonation: 20 cans of food
Curvin, ZackUS20020864762COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Dagos, TrinityUS20051066521COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Diaz, JustinUS20020217091COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Evans, JohnUS20050539261COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Flegal, LoraineUS20020662841COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Flegal, SamUS20020662831COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Ford, RobertUS200203504331COMSVDonation: 4 cans of food
Garcia, StevenUS200202143151COMSVDonation: 6 cans of food
Gibbs, MichaelUS30032066732COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Graham, JoshUS20030718071COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Gowell, TonyUS20020236961COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Harley, SeanUS20050229481COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Harrell, WesUS20020214191COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Hicks, JohnUS20050433761COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Johnson, SuzanneUS200202285621COMSVDonation: 3 cans of food
Jones, SeanUS20020344572COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Keathley, WinnUS20020228631COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Laband, KimUS200505351362COMSVDonation: 8 cans of food
Mantler, JosephUS20020232302COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Mauriello, NickUS20050758041COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
McCampbell, LukeUS20050433312COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Melton, JustinUS20020214011COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Mershon, MikeUS20020214051COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Mizis, ScottUS20031211561COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Montgomery, TieshiaUS200507587661COMSVDonation: 7 cans of food
Napierkowski, NicoleUS200301102982COMSVDonation: 10 cans of food
Navert, JohnUS20041225221COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Needham-Murray, TraciUS20020561671COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Odom, TinaUS20020764251COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Reed, RobertUS2005096601246COMSVDonation: 30 cans of food
Reeves, JonathonUS20030211412COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Richardson, ScottUS20020340211COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Shasteen, MiryeaUS20020224261COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Snowdon, LissaUS200406157421COMSVDonation: 3 cans of food
Storey, JasonUS20030313391COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Torrent, ThomasUS20050330841COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Wasson, LuciannUS20041021922COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Watt, PaulaUS20020226081COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Yarbrough, SharonUS20020224472COMSVDonation: 2 cans of food
Young, RodUS20020225571COMSVDonation: 1 can of food
Z., SteveUS2005043238246COMSVDonation: 31 cans of food