
Sound and Fury Prestige
Approved on [publication date] by Tim Harris, SE RC 00-Mar-12 thru 01-Feb-18
Approved on [publication date] by Janet MacDonald, SE RC 01-May-15 to current
All awards are for the month of publication listed for that issue

Here's a Prestige for Sound and Fury under Sarah Riggs. If it hasn't been covered before, put it in you CSR due 01-Mar. This is REGIONAL Prestige authorized by me. [Tim Harris]

July edition 98:

1. Ernest Randell Blackwell, II: 10 pts.
2. Bonnie Boucek, Assistant Editor-in-Chief: 15 pts.
3. Roxanna Buchanan, Assistant Editor for Print: 15pts.
4. E. 'Glas' Durboraw: 10pts.
5. Kenndra Durboraw: 10pts.
6. Bernadette Groves: 10pts.
7. Marks Higgerson: 10pts.
8. Leesa Jones: 10pts.
9. Reece S. Powell, III: 10 pts.
10. Brandi Riggs: 10pts.
11. John Roper: 10 pts.
12. Ernest Shealy: 10pts.

October edition 98:
1. Ed Cook of SC Region: 5 pts.
2. Lawrence Viles of Kindred of the Shadows: 10 pts.
3. T.M. Dahn of Florida: 5 pts.
4. Brandi Riggs of Twilight Council: 5 pts.
5. John Roper of Twilight Council: 5 pts.
6. Matthew Skipper (#9401-117): 15 pts.
7. Cory Sober (#9805-125): 5 pts.

Volume III, Issue 1, 00-Mar-12
Clint Hauser:... 12R
David Bounds:...  5R
Larry Viles:.... 10R
Laura Middleton: 15R
Matt Skipper:... 30R
Mike TerMeer:...  3R
Ren· Jones:.....  5R

Volume III, Issue 2, 00-Apr-14
Cathryn Emerson: 10R
Chris Beck:.....  5R
Jack Bozeman:...  5R
James Johnson:..  6R
Laura Middelton: 15R
Mary Booher:....  8R
Matt Skipper:... 30R
Mike Lyons:.....  6R
Pierce Dreadin:.  5R
Tim LaCroix:.... 12R

Volume III, Issue 3, 00-Sep-18
Antonio Rodriguez:  7R
Bill Malvasi:..... 10R
Courtney Cochran:.  8R
Laura Middleton:.. 24R
Matt Skipper:..... 35R
Russ George:......  7R
Tim Clancy:....... 10R
Tony Perry:....... 10R

Volume III, Issue 4, 00-Nov-25

Ian Betts:......  5R
Jake Rush:...... 12R
Janet Mcdonald:. 20R
Jeremy Reinhard: 10R
Kat Schonheyder:  5R
Matt Skipper:... 30R
Susan Price:....  5R

Volume III, Issue 5, 01-Feb-18
Ian Betts....... 20R
Janet McDonald.. 10R
Jessica Woodward 15R
Laura Nichols...  8R
Mariann Grantham  5R
Matt Skipper.... 25R

Volume III, Issue 6, 01-May-15
Newsletter Awards (based on new Tome)
Ian Betts 9612-088 40R....... 40R
Janet McDonald 9605-034...... 20R
Michael Blank 9308187........ 10R
Franklin Kent, Jr 200008089.. 10R
Jenn Lyle 9705068............ 10R
Jason Smith 9512-031......... 10R

July Sound & Fury Awards:
Anton Andreev 2000-06-031 12 R
Michael Blank 9308-187 23R
Catherine Emerson 9802-016 15 R
Amanda Plageman 8 R
Paula Watts 9905-018 10 R

August Sound & Fury Awards:
Laura Nichols 9806-039 15R
Ian Betts 9612-088 5R
Randy Blackwell 9803-049 7R
Janet McDonald 9605-034 5R <- Thom would have to okay it
Bill Malvasi 2000-04-076  5R
Cathryn Emerson 9802-016 16R
Richard Rech mem#9506-009  5R
Jason M Silver 420-365  5R
Russ George  # 9612-083  5R
Michael Blank 10R
Marcus Smith 9803-136  10R

Sound & Fury September Recommendations: Ian Betts 9612-088 5R Cathryn Emerson 9802-016 20R Pearce Dreadin 3R Richard Rech 5R Sound & Fury September Recommendations: Cathryn Emerson 9802-016 20R James Talley 9701-025 10R
ARC Publications 01-DEC-10 Sound & Fury Recommendations: Cathryn Emerson 9802-016 8R Mike TerMeer 9803-150 10R Danny Oliver 2001-02-097 15R Tug Brice 9904-016 5R Russ George 9612-083 5R Tony Gowell 2001-09-097 15R Jenn Mintz 2000-11-033 14R David Scott 2000-07-118 8R Dani Bork 9904135 5R


2001 © Original artwork and website design except where noted. All Rights Reserved. See Credits.
Last Updated on 12/15/2001