These awards are all in the Administration category.Deb Pelletier US2002022584 30R (ARC Chief of Staff - June)
Amy Osborne US2002021654 30R (ARC Prestige Inspe - June)
Devin Crumb US2005127052 0R (ARC Tech/Archivist - June)
Miryea Shasteen US2002022426 30R (ARC Elections Admi - June)
These awards are all in the Administration category.(Note: National wants 40G maximum except in exceptional cases.)
Name Membership # Prestige Domain-Month
Tim Hardwick US2002021670 40G (AL-001-D - June)
Rebecca Nichols US2002022823 40G (AL-009-D - June)
Elizabeth Moore US2005053458 40G (AL-013-D - June) wrong format
Chuck Speck US2002021765 40G (AL-016-D - June)
Michael McDevitt US2002022567 40G (FL-005-D - June)
Jarrod Keeler US2002022085 40G (FL-011-D - June) wrong format
Pearce Dreaden US2002021645 40G (FL-019-D - June)
Chris Duesler US2002021854 40G (FL-024-D - June)
Devin Crumb US2005127052 40G (FL-032-D - June)
Jonathan Pruitt US2004112397 40G (FL-034-D - June) wrong format
Tim Moore US2002023525 40G (FL-035-D - June)
Marcus Smith US2002021237 0G (FL-036-D - June) NO REPORT
JT Tremaine US2005075811 0G (FL-037-D - June) NO REPORT
Todd Baughman US2002022841 40G (GA-009-D - June)
Tony Gowell US2002023699 40G (GA-010-D - June) format wrong
Craig Hopkins US2003092219 40G (GA-011-D - June)
Alan Saul US2002022268 40G (GA-012-D - June)
Carole Nail US2005116928 40G (MS-001-D - June) format wrong
Nikki Napierkowski US2003011029 40G (NC-006-D - June)
Diana Flegal US2002076394 40G (TN-007-D - June)
Loraine Flegal US2002066284 40G (TN-011-D - June)
Clay Draper US2002022557 0G (TN-012-D - June) No Report
These awards are all in the Administration category.Name Membership # Prestige CC/Venue-Chapter-Month
Tracy Murray US2002056167 40G (CC AL-017-I - June)
Lance Terpenning US2002023228 40G (CC FL-038-I - June)New CC/check format
Daphne Sicking US2005022866 0G (CC FL-039-I June)
Sheila Donahue US2002022050 0G (CC NC-007-I - June)No Report
Travis Buck US2002021952 40G (CC TN-013-I - June)