
Events Resources Archives Contacts
Serving the U.S. SE Region


SEGRE 2002 Coordinator Prestige

If you feel that your name should have been included on the list and for some reason was not please contact Janet McDonald SE-RC . Please note some names may appear more than once for different awards. Some of the Awards are Above and Beyond the normal Caps.


Name Cam ID Regional General
M. Miranda Allison 2002022650  60R 20G
Latrice Simmons US2002034222 50R 25G
Jason Rummel 9807-068 50R 25G
Amy Owens US2002034163 32R 48G
David Williams 2002022612 22R 33G
Joshua Edwards 2002022776 2R 3G
Jeremy Reinhard 9909024 4R 6G
Elizabeth Ash 2002034903 4R 6G
Abby Woodward 2002023203 2R  3G
Jeff Lane 2002022342 12R 3G (adjusted from original total)
Beth Higgins 2002023435 6R 9G
Tim Ingraham 2002022064 4R 6G
Lou Gluchov 2002034458 4R 6G
Michael Lyons 200202268 8R 12G
Tim Hardwick 2002021670 20R 30G
Myles Schulz 200101007(old 6R 9G
Scott Brown 200201082 6R 9G
Greg Roth 2002022139 2R 3G
Seth Adams 2002022898 4R 6G
Steven Garcia 2002021431 16R 24G
Tonia Burk 2002023033 2R 3G
Laura Dansnoit 2002022925  4R 6G
Charlie Rose 9411011 8R 12G
Karen Price 2002022256 10R 15G
Todd Baughman 2002022841 6R 9G
Jennifer Heidt 200012092 4R 6G
Jason Jacobs   4R 6G
Michael Sanford 2002023907 6R 9G
Shea Boatwright 9812007 6R 9G
Mary Godfrey 200012076 2R 3G

SEGRE 2002 ST Prestige
Chauma Smith Williams US2002022600 60R 20G
Shea Boatwright 9812007 5R 15G
Jason Jacobs 15R 25G
Michael Sanford 2002023907 38R 30G
Larry Castleberry 9908149 48R 30G
Steven Garcia 2002021431 5R 10G
Laura Dasnoit 2002022925 8R 12G
Nolan Segrest 200103013 8R 12G
Steven Garcia 2002021431 8R 10G
Mike Lyons 9712195 6R 9G
Josh Klossing 200003114 34R 6G
George Chance US2002021169 38R 30G
Dean Otts 9804-075 38R 30G
Brian Ketner 9811097 28R 20G
Ken Smith 9907056 2R 3G
Deandra Shrum 9907055 2R 3G
Timothy Ingraham 9609027 2R 3G