SEGRE 2002 Coordinator Prestige |
If you feel that your name should have been included on the list and for some reason was not please contact Janet McDonald SE-RC . Please note some names may appear more than once for different awards. Some of the Awards are Above and Beyond the normal Caps.
Name | Cam ID | Regional | General |
M. Miranda Allison | 2002022650 | 60R | 20G |
Latrice Simmons | US2002034222 | 50R | 25G |
Jason Rummel | 9807-068 | 50R | 25G |
Amy Owens | US2002034163 | 32R | 48G |
David Williams | 2002022612 | 22R | 33G |
Joshua Edwards | 2002022776 | 2R | 3G |
Jeremy Reinhard | 9909024 | 4R | 6G |
Elizabeth Ash | 2002034903 | 4R | 6G |
Abby Woodward | 2002023203 | 2R | 3G |
Jeff Lane | 2002022342 | 12R | 3G (adjusted from original total) |
Beth Higgins | 2002023435 | 6R | 9G |
Tim Ingraham | 2002022064 | 4R | 6G |
Lou Gluchov | 2002034458 | 4R | 6G |
Michael Lyons | 200202268 | 8R | 12G |
Tim Hardwick | 2002021670 | 20R | 30G |
Myles Schulz | 200101007(old | 6R | 9G |
Scott Brown | 200201082 | 6R | 9G |
Greg Roth | 2002022139 | 2R | 3G |
Seth Adams | 2002022898 | 4R | 6G |
Steven Garcia | 2002021431 | 16R | 24G |
Tonia Burk | 2002023033 | 2R | 3G |
Laura Dansnoit | 2002022925 | 4R | 6G |
Charlie Rose | 9411011 | 8R | 12G |
Karen Price | 2002022256 | 10R | 15G |
Todd Baughman | 2002022841 | 6R | 9G |
Jennifer Heidt | 200012092 | 4R | 6G |
Jason Jacobs | 4R | 6G | |
Michael Sanford | 2002023907 | 6R | 9G |
Shea Boatwright | 9812007 | 6R | 9G |
Mary Godfrey | 200012076 | 2R | 3G |
SEGRE 2002 ST Prestige |
Chauma Smith Williams | US2002022600 | 60R | 20G |
Shea Boatwright | 9812007 | 5R | 15G |
Jason Jacobs | 15R | 25G | |
Michael Sanford | 2002023907 | 38R | 30G |
Larry Castleberry | 9908149 | 48R | 30G |
Steven Garcia | 2002021431 | 5R | 10G |
Laura Dasnoit | 2002022925 | 8R | 12G |
Nolan Segrest | 200103013 | 8R | 12G |
Steven Garcia | 2002021431 | 8R | 10G |
Mike Lyons | 9712195 | 6R | 9G |
Josh Klossing | 200003114 | 34R | 6G |
George Chance | US2002021169 | 38R | 30G |
Dean Otts | 9804-075 | 38R | 30G |
Brian Ketner | 9811097 | 28R | 20G |
Ken Smith | 9907056 | 2R | 3G |
Deandra Shrum | 9907055 | 2R | 3G |
Timothy Ingraham | 9609027 | 2R | 3G |