Event Last Name First
Name Mem Number Award Category Description
Allison Miranda US2002022650 03R/03G Event
Pre event - grocery shopping
Boudreaux Edward US2002022444 03R/03G Event Pre event - grocery shopping
Moore Jake US2002086553 03R/03G Event Pre event - grocery shopping
Mulderig Franny US2002034538 25R/25G Event Pre event 2 mo - secured site
with deposit, helped Latrice with Menus, coupons etc.
Owens Amy US2002034163 03R/03G Event Pre event - grocery shopping
Rose Charlie US2002021149 15R/15G Event Pre Event - Organized Event
Rummel Jason US2002021151 15R/15G Event Pre event 2 mo - grocery shopping
for event, website design and upkeep, setting up PayPal.
Simmons LaTrice US2002034222 25R/25G Event Pre event 2 mo - menu,
pre-shopped for prices, cut coupons, grocery list, SAMs, Kroger
Yarbrough Sharon US2002022447 03R/03G Event Pre event - grocery
shopping Event
Last Name First Name Mem Number Award
Category Description
Adams Seth US2002022898 08R/08G Event clean up 3.0 hours
Allison Miranda US2002022650 15R/05G Event check-in, meals, cleanup
Allison Miranda US2002022650 05R/05G Exceptional Service SEGRE 2k4: Award
for work above and beyond
Bogaczyk Caleb US2002056098 15R/05G Event check-in, meals, cleanup,
errands for Amy
Bogaczyk Caleb US2002056098 05R/05G Exceptional Service SEGRE 2k4: Award
for work above and beyond
Boudreaux Edward US2002022444 15R/10G Event Narrated 8 hours
Brown Scott US2002021082 18R/07G Event Narrated 9 hours
Brown Scott US2002021082 18R/07G Event Volunteered 9 hours
Crook Shawn US2002045515 10R/10G Event meals, cleanup 4 hours
Dasnoit Laura US2002022925 18R/07G Event Narrated 9 hours
Dasnoit Laura US2002022925 18R/07G Event Volunteered 9 hours
Davidson Geoff US2002021756 18R/07G Event Narrated 9 hours
Davidson Geoff US2002021756 18R/07G Event Volunteered 9 hours
Diaz Justin US2002021709 18R/07G Event Narrated 9 hours
Diaz Justin US2002021709 18R/07G Event Volunteered 9 hours
Gowell Tony US2002023699 18R/07G Event Narrated 9 hours
Gowell Tony US2002023699 18R/07G Event Volunteered 9 hours
Gray Kevin US2002021771 08R/08G Event cleanup 3 hours
Hardwick Tim US2002021670 18R/07G Event Narrated 9 hours
Hardwick Tim US2002021670 18R/07G Event Volunteered 9 hours
Hauser Clint US2002021070 07R/07G Event Portrayed NPC 3 sessions
Heffron Sarah US2002022568 15R/10G Event Narrated 8 hours
Heidt Jennifer US2002023189 15R/10G Event all meals, cleanup
Heidt Jennifer US2002023189 05R/05G Exceptional Service SEGRE
2k4: Award for work above and beyond
Loignon Laura US2002021874 15R/10G Event all meals, cleanup
Loignon Laura US2002021874 05R/05G Exceptional Service SEGRE 2k4: Award
for work above and beyond
Mack Troy US2002106671 05R/05G Event cleanup 2 hours
Napierkowski Nicole US2003011029 08R/08G Event meals 3 hrs
Otts Dean US2002022944 13R/12G Event Narrated 6 hours
Otts Dean US2002022944 13R/12G Event Volunteered 6 hours
Owens Amy US2002034163 20R/05G Event ran event, coordinated clean-up crews
for kitchen and dorms, helped cook meals, check-in
Owens Amy US2002034163 08R/08G Exceptional Service SEGRE 2k4: Award for
work above and beyond
Pangonis Billy US2002022897 04R/04G Event meals, cleanup 1.5 hours
Peterson Jay US2002023856 10R/10G Event Portrayed NPC 4 sessions
Ramstorf Chad US2002127049 08R/08G Event cleanup 3 hrs
Reinhard Jeremy US2002023351 05R/05G Event cleanup 2 hours
Rindone Laura US2002021346 04R/04G Event meals, cleanup 1.5 hours
Rodriguez Ray US2002127014 15R/10G Event all meals, cleanup
Rodriguez Ray US2002127014 05R/05G Exceptional Service SEGRE 2k4: Award
for work above and beyond
Rose Charlie US2002021149 18R/07G Event Narrated 9 hours
Rose Charlie US2002021149 18R/07G Event Volunteered 9 hours
Rummel Jason US2002021151 15R/10G Event Narrated 8 hours
Rummel Jason US2002021151 12R/12G Event Cooking Meals
Simmons LaTrice US2002034222 15R/10G Event Narrated 8 hours
Simmons LaTrice US2002034222 20R/05G Event cooking meals, keptkitchen
volunteers organized
Simmons LaTrice US2002034222 08R/08G Exceptional Service SEGRE 2k4: Award
for work above and beyond
Sparkman Sunshine NEW MEMBER 15R/10G Event meals, cleanup 6 hours
Stafford Jason US2002022692 18R/07G Event Narrated 9 hours
Stafford Jason US2002022692 18R/07G Event Volunteered 9 hours
Thibodaux Joe US2002022406 18R/07G Event Narrated 9 hours
Thibodaux Joe US2002022406 18R/07G Event Volunteered 9 hours
Welsh Mike US2002022041 14R/14G Event meals, cleanup 4.75 hours
Williams David US2002022621 05R/05G Event registration 2 hours
Yarbrough Sharon US2002022447 05R/05G Event registration 2 hours
Storytelling Prestige: Name: Cam# Prestige: Category:
Reason: Charlie Rose #US2002021149 100R Event Organized,
Volunteered, Narrated, etc...
Geoff Davidson #US2002021756 90R Event Volunteered & Narrated 18 hours
Laura Dasnoit #US2002022925 90R Event Volunteered & Narrated 18 hours
Tim Hardwick #US2002021670 90R Event Volunteered & Narrated 18 hours
Justin Diaz #US2002021709 90R Event Volunteered & Narrated 18 hours
Scott Brown #US2002021082 90R Event Volunteered & Narrated 18 hours
Tony Gowell #US2002023699 90R Event Volunteered & Narrated 18 hours
Joe Thibodaux #US2002022406 90R Event Volunteered & Narrated 18 hours
Jason Stafford #US2002022692 60R Event Volunteered & Narrated 12 hours
Dean Otts #US2002022944 60R Event Volunteered & Narrated 12 hours
Edward Boudreaux #US2002022444 40R Event Narrated 8 hours
Latrice Simmons #US2002034222 40R Event Narrated 8 hours
Jason Rummell #US2002021151 40R Event Narrated 8 hours
Sarah Heffron #US2002022568 40R Event Narrated 8 hours
Jay Peterson #US2002023856 20R Event Portrayed NPC 4 sessions
Clint Hauser #US2002021070 15R Event Portrayed NPC 3 sessions |