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Serving the U.S. SE Region
SERE 2001 RST Recommendations 
These are the recommendations made by George Chance SE-RST based on the records of George Glanag former SE-RST for SERE 2001 Storytelling Staff.  Please check it over and if you should have been included and can provide the name of the person you worked with and the hours worked, email Janet McDonald SE-RC with the information.


Name Regional Award
Ryan Mulderig 20
Clint Hauser 20
Justin Diaz 24
Mike TerMeer 12
Ken Wilson 12
Darin Higgins 12
Jeremy Norton 12
James Fredrickson 12
Alex Restrepo 12
Chauma Smith-Williams 8
Brad Thompson 12
Tim Hardwick 12
Wade Jones 5
Charlie Rose 5
Tim Clancy 5
Mike Bass 15
Jim Ryan 24
George Chance 24
Jason Stafford 50
Jen Hartshorn 50
Sarah Clark 50
Dean Otts 20
Ryan Marsh 16