Title / Domain /
Chapter |
Name |
Member |
Email |
Prestige |
ARST Admin |
David Bounds |
(9902-058) |
25 regional |
ARST Kindred |
Jake Rush |
(9710-069) |
30 regional |
ARST Changeling
Sarah Clark |
(9803-051) |
0 open (no report,
first month) |
ARST Solitary Members
Mike McDevitt |
(9512-039) |
20 regional (first
month) |
AL-D01 Birmingham
Magic City |
Dean Otts |
(9804-075) |
40 open |
FL-D01 Tampa The Bay
of Tears |
Ken Wilson |
(9506-007) |
0 open (no report)
FL-D02 Orlando Dark
Embrace |
George Chance |
(9704-032) |
40 open |
GA-D01 Atlanta Black
Dog of the Camarilla |
Robert Maxwell |
(9401-126) |
40 open |
SC-D01 Charleston
Blood Moon |
Kirk Jennings |
(9812-048) |
0 open (no report)
AL-001 Auburn Kindred
of the Shadows |
Stephanie Bell |
(9710-005) |
40 open (late with
excuse) |
AL-003 Montgomery
Enchanted Cabaret |
David Williams |
(9812-112) |
25 open (no games,
getting started) |
AL-005 Prattville
Midnight Productions |
Linda Bounds |
(9902-057) |
40 open |
AL-006 Auburn Shades
of Chaos |
Brian Lee |
(9910-089) |
20 open (no games)
AL-007 Dothan
Revolution of Darkness |
Wesley Trawick |
(9908-058) |
40 open |
AL-008 Prattville
Autumn Forge |
Randall Stanton
(9901-077) |
40 open |
AL-009 Huntsville Big
Fire |
William Davis |
(xxxxxx) |
25 open (no games,
getting started) |
FL-005 Merrit Island
Isle of the Red Tide |
xxxxxx |
(xxxxxx) |
xxxxxx |
0 open (no report, no
CST that I know of yet) |
FL-008 Ocala Eternal
Charade |
Alan Townsend |
(9902-003) |
0 open (no report)
FL-011 Gainesville
Poisoned Absinthe |
Peter Carr |
(9712-206) |
10 open (3 days late)
FL-015 Brooksville
D'Arch Pirates |
Robert McClary |
(9506006) |
40 open |
FL-019 Silver Springs
Werian Argentum Ocali |
Donald Hughes |
(9911-002) |
0 open (no report)
FL-023 Titusville
House of the Eternal Cliché |
Jeremy Alderman
(9711-062) |
10 open (no report,
some contact) |
FL-024 Pensacola
Conspiracy of Disillusionment |
Shawn Platt |
(9712-214) |
30 open (light month)
FL-025 West Volusia
5150 |
Dee Leahey |
(9902-101) |
0 open (no report, 3rd
month) |
Inverness/Citrus County Society of the Ebon Amaranth |
Shawn Oie Willoughby
(9705-055) |
40 open |
FL-027 ??? Spirit of
the Green Swamp |
Mike TerMeer |
(9803-150) |
40 open |
GA-002 Augusta False
Daylight |
Brian Kirkey |
(9709-110) |
40 open |
GA-004 Macon Steel
Thorns |
Robert Strahan |
(9810-132) |
40 open |
GA-006 Savannah House
of the Forgotten Masque |
Randy Blackwell
(9803-049) |
40 open |
NC-001 Fayetteville
The Ties that Bind |
Nakisha Taylor |
(9808-155) |
30 open (light month)
NC-002 Asheville
Hollow Hills |
Tadd McDivitt |
(xxxxxx) |
0 open (no report, 4th
month) |
NC-003 Durham Memories
of Sunlight |
Justine Rodriguez
(9907-071) |
40 open |
SC-003 Columbia
Eternal Council |
Michael Gearman
(9811-179) |
40 open (CST report
submitted as DST) |
SC-005 Charlotte, NC
Libertas Aeterna |
Jason Allen |
(9709-087) |
40 open |
SC-007 Columbia
Midnight Symphony |
Christopher Streett
(9903-140) |
40 open |
TN-001 Nashville The
Torn Curtain Players |
Annette Gardner
(9705-057) |
0 open (no report)
TN-002 Chattanooga
Shades of Pale Society |
Mike Dent |
(9801-093) |
40 open |
TN-003 Nashville Dark
River Society |
Jason Smith |
(9512-031) |
0 open (no report,
stepping down) |
TN-004 Johnson City
Forgotten City |
Charles Pleasant
(9909-026) |
20 open (2 days late)
TN-005 Chattanooga
Sorrow of Ravens |
Matthew Skipper
(9401-117) |
40 open |