
Events Resources Archives Contacts
Serving the U.S. SE Region

1st National Survey posted

Everyone in this list qualifies for 10 national prestige for participating in the survey for 2001. This award is being given February 2002 and should fall under Exceptional Service Originally posted on the Database February 2002 by George Galang VP-Technology.

# Cam # Name Chapter Code Chapter Name
1 2 Jana Wright WA002 House Sublime
2 12 Amber Richter WA047 Dark Emerald
3 31 Jane Izumoto WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
4 41 Jon Wilkie WA005 Moving Pictures
5 56 Wolf Vanhee WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
6 78 Brian S. Decker WA050 Whispering Shadows
7 80 Lyndi Schultz WA018 Obsidian Rose
8 108 G. Randy Nickel WA037 Resurrections
9 115 Dana Lajeunesse MA001 Crescent Moon
10 180 Martin Miller WA037 Resurrections
11 206 Robert Paulson WA011 Turpis Putridis Nequam
12 219 D. Scott McQuiston CA035 City of Voices Lost
13 9305021 William Keyes WA046 Remnants
14 9305097 Chris Mueller OR021 House of Fools
15 9305170 Christian Gurholt UT004 Rising Sun
16 9306025 Christopher Buser WA050 Whispering Shadows
17 9306046 Matt Smith IND_SW Indep Southwest
18 9306121 Ammie Hague WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
19 9307025 Jeffrey Carnegie WA052 Dark Covenant
20 9307091 Kirk Kading WA050 Whispering Shadows
21 9308005 Daniel Fruchterman CA013 Pharos Myst
22 9308059 Casey H. Gillette OR014 Shrouded Covenant
23 9308145 Laura A. Middleton TN002 Shades of Pale Society
24 9308169 Brian Gates MO001 Coterie of the Pale Heart
25 9308231 Michael Curnutt MO007 Coterie of the Amber Rose
26 9309035 David Blackwell MO007 Coterie of the Amber Rose
27 9311001 Christine [CJ] Moody WA017 Insurgent Mystique
28 9311140 Michael Welch FL002 Sanguine Moon
29 9401007 Marcos Diego Rodriguez VA010 Enoch's Throne
30 9401117 Matthew Skipper TN003 Days of Bitter Rage
31 9401129 Heather Pritchett CA017 The Bureau
32 9403156 Jason Hoggatt MA002 Severed Sun
33 9403181 Stephen Balfour TX001 Ruby Chalice
34 9405023 Gilbert Richard CN-026 Sundered Will
35 9405131 Peter Smalley OR032 Haven
36 9405144 Christian Herr VA010 Enoch's Throne
37 9408050 John Pyles II OH006 Circle of the Veiled Templars
38 9408116 Ed Matuskey WA002 House Sublime
39 9408119 Patrick J. Riggs OR030 House of Lords
40 9408153 Michael J. Dascenzo Jr. CN025 Wine & Roses
41 9408166 Scott Hadley OR035 Seventh Son
42 9408177 Kwei Cee Chu CA025 Monsters under the Bed
43 9409088 Tim Kleczynski OR033 Dark Decree
44 9409091 Shane DeFreest IND_SW Indep Southwest
45 9409094 Timothy Horan GA001 Blackened Hearth
46 9411010 Jim Brassfield WA017 Insurgent Mystique
47 9411011 Charles Rose GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
48 9411035 John Jones MT003 Legion of Shadows
49 9411078 Erik Randall MT003 Legion of Shadows
50 9501032 Thorin Zanger WA059 Restless Spirits
51 9501054 Daniel Hahn WA061 Arta Diluculo
52 9501061 John Gilleland OR014 Shrouded Covenant
53 9504010 Michelle Cagney VA013 The House Divided
54 9504073 Peter Savas UT008 Velvet Glove
55 9504098 Joseph LaLumiere MA001 Crescent Moon
56 9504103 Meylin M. de Alarcon IL006 Outlands Aria
57 9504104 Jeffery Lane FL015 D'Arch Pirates
58 9504178 Randy Ochs WA052 Dark Covenant
59 9505004 Corey Segall TX001 Ruby Chalice
60 9506007 Kenneth Wilson FL001 Scarlet Sin
61 9506036 Matthew Skau WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
62 9506051 Bryan Cartwright IND_SW Indep Southwest
63 9507032 Valerie Castrianni TX052 Decadent Deviants
64 9507085 David Kizzia WA050 Whispering Shadows
65 9507086 Scott Bizket Jones WA002 House Sublime
66 9507087 Paul Guillory OR031 House of Decadence
67 9507091 Michael Krotscheck PA001 House of the Unknown
68 9508010 Rebekah Wolf TX002 Domus Sangreal
69 9508013 Pamela Wilsonsage WA028 Dark Prophecy
70 9508014 James Wilsonsage WA028 Dark Prophecy
71 9508015 Ted Davis WA028 Dark Prophecy
72 9508017 Michael Jason Teegarden TX003 Casa de los Waffles
73 9508068 David Flannery MO024 Fraternitas Noctu
74 9508071 Philip Colombo OR031 House of Decadence
75 9509026 Wesley Lunsford TX050 Hearts of Darkness
76 9509032 Dan Schmitt TX005 Chapter X
77 9509056 Shane Wells TX038 Expletive Deleted
78 9509065 David E. Bruns OH003 Oegid Termonn
79 9510029 Tori Mauslein MO005 Coterie of the Silent Voice
80 9510030 Marc Spencer MO005 Coterie of the Silent Voice
81 9510036 Kenneth W Aunchman VA016 Tears of the Bloody Moon
82 9511023 Dan Meier OR001 Setting Sun
83 9511028 Kaylan B. Lyndell MO020 Haus Gotterdamerung
84 9511039 Guy Seggev NV006 Dark Glittering Knights
85 9511059 Adam Phelps CA013 Pharos Myst
86 9511079 Charles Childers WA017 Insurgent Mystique
87 9511081 Pete Kost WA024 House Blackmoon
88 9512021 Jeremy J. Linn OR014 Shrouded Covenant
89 9512030 George Harrison OR033 Dark Decree
90 9512039 Michael McDevitt FL005 Island of the Red Tide
91 9512048 Daniel Lunghofer WA011 Turpis Putridis Nequam
92 9601002 Amy Phillips OR014 Shrouded Covenant
93 9601009 Richard Singleton TX025 Rabid Roach
94 9601020 Patrick Haughton TX025 Rabid Roach
95 9601083 Tim Hickman MO009 Assemblage Nocturne
96 9601101 Riann Lawson OR014 Shrouded Covenant
97 9601102 Russell Desman FL001 Scarlet Sin
98 9602011 Erin Warren TX010 En Vitae Veritas
99 9602045 Shafik Chernovsky CN003 Sagas and Storms
100 9602074 James J. Sinclair VA015 Haven of Dark Justice
101 9602104 John Delozier TX025 Rabid Roach
102 9603001 Jeffrey Chasteen CO002 Eclectic Rose
103 9603002 Shelley Chasteen CO007 Faceless Empire
104 9603037 Wendy Rutherford CA017 The Bureau
105 9603039 Peter Kuszta CA017 The Bureau
106 9603041 Sandra Yoder OR032 Haven
107 9603052 Steven Nall TX018 Garden of Thorns
108 9603135 Bijan Sepehri CN003 Sagas and Storms
109 9603153 Renee Hawthorne MO020 Haus Gotterdamerung
110 9603157 Scott Hefner TX052 Decadent Deviants
111 9604029 Anthony Rae WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
112 9604030 David McGrath WA046 Remnants
113 9604052 James Reardon CO007 Faceless Empire
114 9604072 Christopher Shibley OR033 Dark Decree
115 9604084 Jon Linn OR014 Shrouded Covenant
116 9604201 Rose Carter OR014 Shrouded Covenant
117 9604203 David S. Guerrant WA056 Common Rabble
118 9604217 Tony Taboas IN011 Out of the Shadows
119 9604220 J. Edward Nash Bozard GA006 House of the Forgotten Masque
120 9604221 Chance Chandler SC001 Charlestonus Ab Noctum
121 9604223 Shawn Crawford MO001 Coterie of the Pale Heart
122 9604230 Kyle Humfeld CA003 Phoenix House
123 9604247 Andrew Biddle KY003 Nox Aeternus
124 9605034 Janet McDonald SC001 Charlestonus Ab Noctum
125 9605044 Frances Pratt GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
126 9605060 Edward Cook IN011 Out of the Shadows
127 9605062 David Morgan TX002 Domus Sangreal
128 9605083 Arthur Hansen UT004 Rising Sun
129 9605122 Aimee Siebert CA017 The Bureau
130 9606038 Samantha Dascenzo CN025 Wine & Roses
131 9606040 Robert Parizek CN001 Scotch on The Rocks
132 9606041 Marshall Foster CA017 The Bureau
133 9606100 Eric L. Moore TX014 Dark Sovereigns
134 9606106 Monty Montgomery TX029 I Tappa Vein
135 9606108 James Steffens KS004 Masque of Corruption
136 9606118 John Gruber WA047 Dark Emerald
137 9606129 Emily Guerrant WA056 Common Rabble
138 9607006 Erik Gurulé-Long OR022 Sundered Dreams
139 9607007 Trevor Mayes WA052 Dark Covenant
140 9607057 Alejandro Restrepo FL004 Tainted Kiss
141 9607062 Tim Moore FL018 Lost Highways
142 9607087 Kimberly Lowe OH008 House of Civil Unrest
143 9607097 Keith Curtz CA012 Moonlight Masquerade
144 9608030 Kevin Boundy CA026 Histum Yani
145 9608039 Janet Gordon VA010 Enoch's Throne
146 9608043 Celia S. Friedman VA010 Enoch's Throne
147 9608052 Douglas Sobery MO016 Nightmare Theater
148 9608061 John Duda MO007 Coterie of the Amber Rose
149 9608066 Devan Owen CA026 Histum Yani
150 9608071 Aaron Autry WA036 House of Corruption
151 9608072 John Warner WA036 House of Corruption
152 9608074 Kristie Sprinkle MO017 Cain's Karnival
153 9609074 Evan Odensky TX050 Hearts of Darkness
154 9609079 Alesia Clardy MO003 Coterie of the Crimson Night
155 9610022 Ira Fay IL002 Twilight's Rapture
156 9610025 Charles F. Werner PA004 Circus Silenti Latratorrum
157 9610026 Sameer Yalamanchi PA001 House of the Unknown
158 9610027 R. Timothy Brown CA013 Pharos Myst
159 9611015 Seth Manzar TX050 Hearts of Darkness
160 9611019 Heather Harrelson TX052 Decadent Deviants
161 9611023 Karl Greenley PA001 House of the Unknown
162 9611024 Frederick Zeleny PA004 Circus Silenti Latratorrum
163 9611049 Meredith Clayton WA018 Obsidian Rose
164 9611067 Matthew Gorsky NH001 House of the Dark Twins
165 9611117 Jenn Coghill OR034 Chapter Antitribu
166 9611155 Pete Houtekier CA032 Chateau Gaumont de la Nuit Eternelle
167 9611156 Nathaniel Raddin VA013 The House Divided
168 9611159 Jerry McCloud OR032 Haven
169 9611161 Kathryn Montgomery MD001 Twisted Passions
170 9611171 Chad Ziccardi PA004 Circus Silenti Latratorrum
171 9611183 Mindy Dyksterhouse CO013 Theatre Magique
172 9611204 LeeAnn Wright VA017 City of Sorrows
173 9611212 Mike Purdy WA017 Insurgent Mystique
174 9611233 James Holman MO024 Fraternitas Noctu
175 9611277 Ralph LaLone TX005 Chapter X
176 9612029 Robert Rossel CA003 Phoenix House
177 9612032 David Burgess TX005 Chapter X
178 9612039 James Huskey TX042 Gathering Dust
179 9612040 William H. Carmona TX014 Dark Sovereigns
180 9612083 Russell George FL019 Werian Argentum Ocali
181 9612095 Christopher Zaben TX021 Silver Path
182 9612124 Chris Osborne SC004 Eclipsed Moon
183 9612128 Betty Merz VA003 Four Winds
184 9701030 Ken Girard MO003 Coterie of the Crimson Night
185 9701052 Melinda Fay Olson WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
186 9701054 Chantell Wagner OR026 Coterie of the Tilted Glass
187 9701080 Daniel R. Wright MI012 Darque Horizons
188 9701093 Jennifer Marks VA003 Four Winds
189 9701104 Richard Lockwood FL005 Island of the Red Tide
190 9702023 Laura Simpson CO002 Eclectic Rose
191 9702040 Joseph Franklin MO017 Cain's Karnival
192 9702076 Jason Tant VA014 Dark Harbor Chronicle
193 9703039 Cristy Hundley AR004 Sept of the Silver Moon
194 9703043 Todd Branch VA003 Four Winds
195 9703058 Richard Chilton CN008 Wylde Mysts
196 9703089 Brenda G. Pettay CA026 Histum Yani
197 9703095 Neil Thompson CN009 Cathedral of Lost Souls
198 9703099 Paul D. Cormier CN009 Cathedral of Lost Souls
199 9703100 Alberto Rodríguez Torres IND_SE Indep Southeast
200 9703102 James Bush WA041 Nox Imperium
201 9703106 Benjamin Kesner UT002 Crimson Sentinel
202 9703113 Melissa Eaden KS001 Dominion of Solitude
203 9704001 Shawn Pitre CN007 Sept of the Shattered Beacon
204 9704010 M'Cori Goodrich WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
205 9704011 Jennifer Bollinger CA003 Phoenix House
206 9704015 Justin Kahn MO016 Nightmare Theater
207 9704032 George Chance FL018 Lost Highways
208 9704048 Roy Cabaniss AR009 Evil Weevils
209 9704049 Candi Cabaniss AR009 Evil Weevils
210 9704050 Paul M. Hendershot VA014 Dark Harbor Chronicle
211 9704052 John Snyder MO016 Nightmare Theater
212 9704066 Jef Peters MO016 Nightmare Theater
213 9704067 Tyler Bryan MO017 Cain's Karnival
214 9704092 Sandra Stewart CA013 Pharos Myst
215 9704093 Matthew Peacock FL-011 CoPA
216 9704101 Sheri Denise Katherine Williams TX039 Circle of the Shattered Moon
217 9705021 John Blankenship CA015 Anathema
218 9705037 Douglas Picanzi WA055 Meshuga Shack
219 9705067 Kevin Ahearn VA010 Enoch's Throne
220 9705068 Jennifer Lyle MO020 Haus Gotterdamerung
221 9705092 Julie E. Graham TX014 Dark Sovereigns
222 9705106 Charles Miller Cannaday Jr CA023 Sepulchre
223 9705107 Flor Veronica San Roman CA003 Phoenix House
224 9705133 Robert Skelton WA033 Thorns
225 9706005 Adam Bent CN007 Sept of the Shattered Beacon
226 9706009 Jerry Cortrite CA003 Phoenix House
227 9706010 Timothy Crall CA003 Phoenix House
228 9706011 Melissa Ward CA003 Phoenix House
229 9706061 Jerry Winn Keathley TN003 Days of Bitter Rage
230 9706067 Ronald G. Rooy Jr. OH006 Circle of the Veiled Templars
231 9706084 Elva Mayes WA052 Dark Covenant
232 9707003 Cricket McCloud OR032 Haven
233 9707034 Trevor Schrock WA031 House of Spades
234 9707036 Kelly Langley KS001 Dominion of Solitude
235 9707042 Kathleen Oviatt OH003 Oegid Termonn
236 9707051 Robert L. Rhodes CO002 Eclectic Rose
237 9707057 Thom Welch MO020 Haus Gotterdamerung
238 9707058 Wade Jones GA001 Blackened Hearth
239 9707060 Marisa Stanley MO024 Fraternitas Noctu
240 9707073 Edward Webb KY003 Nox Aeternus
241 9707079 Sarah Field CT002 Immortal Thoughts
242 9708023 Joshua Seth Steele AL006 Shades of Chaos
243 9708024 Michael Calloway II TX013 Sable Rose
244 9708028 Ronni Eloff CA035 City of Voices Lost
245 9708042 Jess Hartley OR034 Chapter Antitribu
246 9708043 David Singleton MO021 Carpe Sempiterna Nox Noctis
247 9708066 Bryant Waner CO002 Eclectic Rose
248 9708067 Sally McCampbell MO007 Coterie of the Amber Rose
249 9708096 David Eccles CO002 Eclectic Rose
250 9708099 Holly Echaniz WA052 Dark Covenant
251 9708109 Tim Metza MO003 Coterie of the Crimson Night
252 9709011 Tommy Russell AR003 Crimson Tear Society
253 9709012 Melody Newton IND_SC Indep South Central
254 9709029 Edward Boudreaux GA001 Blackened Hearth
255 9709033 Lawrence Viles AL001 Kindred of the Shadows
256 9709042 Joseph Carron IND_NW Indep NW
257 9709050 David Mobert OH002 The Red and The Black
258 9709065 Aaron Morgan CA032 Chateau Gaumont de la Nuit Eternelle
259 9709066 Stephanie Williams WA052 Dark Covenant
260 9709067 George Lemke WA018 Obsidian Rose
261 9709072 Moira Lee VA001 Ansate Cross
262 9709081 Chris White GA005 Willow's Heart
263 9709083 Dennis Chandler LA004 Vin Rouge
264 9709092 Raymond Bruels III MI010 The Long Winter
265 9709109 Geoffrey Van Ess WA055 Meshuga Shack
266 9709110 Charlie Collins PA001 House of the Unknown
267 9709113 Dewitt Hauser NC005 Croatan Dreams
268 9709115 Nick Cotton WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
269 9709125 Erik Olsen WA055 Meshuga Shack
270 9709127 Tyson Finley WA055 Meshuga Shack
271 9710006 Vannessa McClelland WA041 Nox Imperium
272 9710018 Dallas Ward TX014 Dark Sovereigns
273 9710021 Allison Marler ID001 Something Else
274 9710034 Rebecca Compton VA001 Ansate Cross
275 9710036 Brandon Riley TX045 House Mysterium
276 9710037 John Greener VA010 Enoch's Throne
277 9710049 Dawn Lloyd FL020 Society of Shadows
278 9710054 Charles Bussell AK003 Shadowed City
279 9710069 Jacob A. Rush FL001 Scarlet Sin
280 9710077 Kelley Barnes-Herrmann VA017 City of Sorrows
281 9711004 Eric Highley CA030 Luna's Reprisal
282 9711013 Nathan D. Rick WA022 Remnants
283 9711014 Drew Davidson CO002 Eclectic Rose
284 9711020 George Barrows MD001 Twisted Passions
285 9711051 Jason J. Covington TX005 Chapter X
286 9711053 Natalie Smith WA031 House of Spades
287 9711061 Jeffrey Cisneros GA001 Blackened Hearth
288 9711063 Aaron England FL005 Island of the Red Tide
289 9711065 Tony Zinni IND_SE Indep Southeast
290 9711066 Mark Farias TX018 Garden of Thorns
291 9711073 Angela Townley TX050 Hearts of Darkness
292 9711075 Josh Handel TX041 Amici Noctis
293 9711083 Steven W. Hibbert CO007 Faceless Empire
294 9711085 Jason Andrew WA052 Dark Covenant
295 9711096 Bonnie L. Boucek GA002 False Daylight
296 9711107 Donald M Hayzlett Jr GA002 False Daylight
297 9711121 Alex Cresswell PA005 House of the Wicked
298 9711123 H. Jameel al Khafiz PA004 Circus Silenti Latratorrum
299 9711127 John Meier PA004 Circus Silenti Latratorrum
300 9711129 Warren Saunders PA001 House of the Unknown
301 9712139 Dale Twigg ME001 Crimson Thorn
302 9712142 Valerie Bathurst GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
303 9712143 Donald Emerson FL008 Eternal Charade
304 9712172 Ricky Kramer TX001 Ruby Chalice
305 9712176 Kevin Brian TX018 Garden of Thorns
306 9712180 Andrea Fontenot TX031 Gathering Storms
307 9712184 Bill Rose TX051 Infinite Improbabilities
308 9712194 Elizabeth McLaren NY001 Rivers of Knowledge
309 9712200 Philip Rand ME004 House of the Forgotten Hour
310 9712201 Richard C. Mohan FL005 Island of the Red Tide
311 9712206 Peter Carr FL011 Covenant of the Poisoned Absinthe
312 9712209 Erik Blair IND_SW Indep Southwest
313 9712215 Jonathan Kyle Massey VA015 Haven of Dark Justice
314 9761023 Euan Walker CA025 Monsters under the Bed
315 9761025 Greg Garrisson AU004 Knights of the Blood Rose
316 9761043 Morticia Oakley AU010 Sanguis Sacrementum
317 9761048 Quentin Serrurier AU018 The Fringe
318 9761051 Pauline Adams CA025 Monsters under the Bed
319 9771004 Nick Boles CN012 Fallen Elms
320 9771006 Chris Fougere CN012 Fallen Elms
321 9771007 Anita Fougere CN014 Manor of Immortal Souls
322 9771009 Jason Babineau CN013 Sept of the Veiled Answer
323 9771014 Andrew Coristine CN013 Sept of the Veiled Answer
324 9771018 Ewan Johnstone CN013 Sept of the Veiled Answer
325 9771025 Eric Mersereau CN013 Sept of the Veiled Answer
326 9771028 Edward Ingram CN012 Fallen Elms
327 9771032 Anthony Giberson CN013 Sept of the Veiled Answer
328 9771033 Robert Eveleigh CN013 Sept of the Veiled Answer
329 9801012 Kyle Noseworthy FL026 Society of the Ebon Amaranth
330 9801014 Joel Sandoval TX021 Silver Path
331 9801026 William Lockwood NE001 Ebon Seraph
332 9801032 John Hambly OH006 Circle of the Veiled Templars
333 9801038 Michael Bramnik OH003 Oegid Termonn
334 9801041 Michael Hackett MO007 Coterie of the Amber Rose
335 9801066 Travis Page CO006 Knights of Rage
336 9801067 Daniel Page CO006 Knights of Rage
337 9801096 Haleigh C W Watson TX021 Silver Path
338 9801098 Hans Watson TX021 Silver Path
339 9801100 Roberta Broussard TX003 Casa de los Waffles
340 9801101 David Broussard TX003 Casa de los Waffles
341 9801105 Matthew J. Maerli MO016 Nightmare Theater
342 9802011 Sarah Curnutt MO007 Coterie of the Amber Rose
343 9802013 Tye Graham WA031 House of Spades
344 9802016 Cathryn Emerson FL019 Werian Argentum Ocali
345 9802021 Ana Seaton FL008 Eternal Charade
346 9802023 Robert Fowler NC005 Croatan Dreams
347 9802049 Tammy Mickelson WA002 House Sublime
348 9802050 Lindsey Morse WA048 Empire of Shadows
349 9802063 Kevin Jones AR004 Sept of the Silver Moon
350 9802079 Jonathan Haynes WA008 Sanctuary
351 9802095 Julie Christensen WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
352 9802121 Heidi King MI008 Dark Fields
353 9802122 Mark Schallert MO016 Nightmare Theater
354 9802126 Mike Langley WA018 Obsidian Rose
355 9802134 William J Blaylock OH002 The Red and The Black
356 9802157 Jacob Williamson TX023 L'ecole des Enfants Damnes
357 9802164 Johnathan Ingram AR003 Crimson Tear Society
358 9803002 Ric Allen KY003 Nox Aeternus
359 9803004 George Galang GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
360 9803005 Alison Rampley GA001 Blackened Hearth
361 9803008 Galen Ciscell WA048 Empire of Shadows
362 9803009 Tetsuo Kaieda WA048 Empire of Shadows
363 9803013 Brent Cerrato FL011 Covenant of the Poisoned Absinthe
364 9803069 Juliet Kari CA032 Chateau Gaumont de la Nuit Eternelle
365 9803087 Quan Do NY004 Children of the Lost Eden
366 9803088 Richard A. Fornash KY002 Angels in Rapture
367 9803098 Stacy Wilson CA003 Phoenix House
368 9803099 Rhonda Bonstein CA031 Legends and Dreams
369 9803118 Shunit Mor-Barak CA014 Last Whiskey Bar
370 9803126 Kevin Good CO002 Eclectic Rose
371 9803128 Christy Wellens MI010 The Long Winter
372 9803130 James Glass VA012 Broken Tower
373 9803136 Marcus S. Smith GA005 Willow's Heart
374 9803150 Mike TerMeer FL027 Spirits of the Green Swamp
375 9803159 Dave Barry CA021 Moustique Noir
376 9803177 Jessica Davidson OR014 Shrouded Covenant
377 9803178 Bronson Rivallier-Kirk OR026 Coterie of the Tilted Glass
378 9803186 Ree Soesbee CA015 Anathema
379 9803195 Melissa Gauggel OH011 House of the Rising Phoenix
380 9804033 Travis Byrnes WA057 Moot Point
381 9804038 Shawn Cavitt TX014 Dark Sovereigns
382 9804043 Melissa Jane Gallagher OH002 The Red and The Black
383 9804044 Kelly Devine TX010 En Vitae Veritas
384 9804070 James Webster CA012 Moonlight Masquerade
385 9804099 Enrique Torres NY004 Children of the Lost Eden
386 9805004 Daron Gildow OR033 Dark Decree
387 9805051 Doug Skinner OR021 House of Fools
388 9805068 Michael Walton TX021 Silver Path
389 9805072 Howard Teal TX021 Silver Path
390 9805101 Ian Billington AK011 Straw Dog Society
391 9805123 Charles Moore WA046 Remnants
392 9806009 Becky Kozak OH010 House of Forbidden Curses
393 9806013 Robert Despain WA037 Resurrections
394 9806014 Karoly Balazs WA024 House Blackmoon
395 9806027 Michael Singer CA030 Luna's Reprisal
396 9806028 Jason Weidert WA057 Moot Point
397 9806032 Teresa Riddle IND_SW Indep Southwest
398 9806034 Nathan Darnell WA048 Empire of Shadows
399 9806036 Bryan Lovely WA050 Whispering Shadows
400 9806037 Anthony Grutz VA014 Dark Harbor Chronicle
401 9806046 Alison Buckley MO024 Fraternitas Noctu
402 9806060 Christopher Warswick PA001 House of the Unknown
403 9806070 Donald Sheldon PA001 House of the Unknown
404 9806121 Marshal A. Hunter SC007 Midnight Symphony
405 9806123 Nick Plantz WA048 Empire of Shadows
406 9806131 Ryan Smith ME002 Sept of the Frozen North
407 9806139 Chris Beron MT004 House of the Crimson Moon
408 9807014 Riley Crowder OR033 Dark Decree
409 9807018 Brian Clark MO007 Coterie of the Amber Rose
410 9807021 Craig Ellis FL002 Sanguine Moon
411 9807022 Andrew G. Montgomery OR001 Setting Sun
412 9807061 Lee Ledbetter AR003 Crimson Tear Society
413 9807063 Derek Bassett CO002 Eclectic Rose
414 9807068 Jason Rummel GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
415 9807070 Johnathon Jay SC003 Eternal Council
416 9807074 David M Contini OR033 Dark Decree
417 9807083 Brian LaMere CA023 Sepulchre
418 9807096 Rachel Colvard AK003 Shadowed City
419 9808008 John Hamel IND_NW Indep NW
420 9808010 Matthew Wood NY001 Rivers of Knowledge
421 9808017 Michelle Speck AR004 Sept of the Silver Moon
422 9808021 James Moore IN010 Nights of Decay
423 9808049 Joe Kleinhenz IL002 Twilight's Rapture
424 9808064 Brian Straehle WA058 Ballads of Darkness
425 9808069 Micheal Owens GA008 Akademus Erebus
426 9808071 Adam Fraize AR003 Crimson Tear Society
427 9808072 Will Sample VA003 Four Winds
428 9808073 Jennifer Gundlach TX003 Casa de los Waffles
429 9808082 Autumn Gray WA011 Turpis Putridis Nequam
430 9808084 Richard Cordell CO002 Eclectic Rose
431 9808085 Greg Hermann FL020 Society of Shadows
432 9808094 Scott Kerekes OR035 Seventh Son
433 9808105 Jeff Franklin VA012 Broken Tower
434 9808118 James E. McFarland WA050 Whispering Shadows
435 9808145 Polina Khavkina MA001 Crescent Moon
436 9808146 Vincent Foley WA052 Dark Covenant
437 9808151 Scott E. Davis OH011 House of the Rising Phoenix
438 9808153 Antonio Rodriguez SC003 Eternal Council
439 9808157 Alexandrea Lynn Griswold NV004 Grand Illusions
440 9809009 John Reaves GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
441 9809013 Harold Hulbert CA037 Twilight Cathedral
442 9809032 Aaron Capps TX036 Crimson Triangle
443 9809033 Chris Marbutt AL006 Shades of Chaos
444 9809038 Jonathan Rebhahn NY001 Rivers of Knowledge
445 9809042 Casey Corbin UT008 Velvet Glove
446 9809044 James Boatfield NC003 Memories of Sunlight
447 9809046 Dale Lofton LA003 Legiuncula Ex Sanginis Amaranth
448 9809048 Mist L. Reynolds WA028 Dark Prophecy
449 9809050 Kimiko Drew CA022 Dark Tower
450 9809053 Elisa Graybill WA031 House of Spades
451 9809055 Elvin Taylor OR032 Haven
452 9809064 Brian Kowalczyk CA023 Sepulchre
453 9809067 Molly Scaison OR022 Sundered Dreams
454 9809071 Richard C. Johnson UT008 Velvet Glove
455 9809072 Shelly Johnson UT008 Velvet Glove
456 9809083 Mary Tonge OR026 Coterie of the Tilted Glass
457 9809084 B. J. McManus NY002 Apocalypse Rochester
458 9809092 Erin Blankenship CA015 Anathema
459 9809094 Lee Stuart AR004 Sept of the Silver Moon
460 9809107 Neil McKeeman NY002 Apocalypse Rochester
461 9809110 Nathan Brown TN002 Shades of Pale Society
462 9809112 James Dunne WA052 Dark Covenant
463 9810006 Sean Cook NY003 Ge'Hinnom Crusade
464 9810019 Bosco NY004 Children of the Lost Eden
465 9810034 Brian Hemmerich NY003 Ge'Hinnom Crusade
466 9810048 Tom Strnisha OH007 Blood and Ashes
467 9810050 Larry Grossman NC005 Croatan Dreams
468 9810056 Robin Christensen CO005 Ground Zero
469 9810066 Lee Rushing AR008 Raven's Dive
470 9810067 Shane Sylvia NV006 Dark Glittering Knights
471 9810123 Jason Marlor PA001 House of the Unknown
472 9810146 K. Smith VA017 City of Sorrows
473 9810149 Ben Short NY002 Apocalypse Rochester
474 9810151 Charles Craig AR004 Sept of the Silver Moon
475 9811011 Ryan Hutchison CA016 Silver Crescent
476 9811012 Valerie Miller VA003 Four Winds
477 9811021 Thomas Black VA012 Broken Tower
478 9811028 Douglas W. Mathis FL019 Werian Argentum Ocali
479 9811030 Charles C Mathis IV FL008 Eternal Charade
480 9811041 Collin Lazelle WA024 House Blackmoon
481 9811057 Christoph Beck OH005 Children of Twilight
482 9811058 Anthony Martorello FL020 Society of Shadows
483 9811068 Aimee Lynn Mallery NY003 Ge'Hinnom Crusade
484 9811083 Patrick Sheehan OR032 Haven
485 9811084 Erin Ann Boxley CA015 Anathema
486 9811096 Jonah Ruddy
487 9811097 Brian Ketner TN007 Eet Mor Goths
488 9811104 James Matthew Haley AL006 Shades of Chaos
489 9811108 Craig Rolfes AL002 Shadows of Vulcan
490 9811113 Phillip C. Gsell PA003 Shadow's Veil
491 9811124 Jerry Farnam AK005 Theater of Darkness
492 9811140 Kendra Swope TX029 I Tappa Vein
493 9811144 Lori Fife TX029 I Tappa Vein
494 9811146 Gevin Carson MO017 Cain's Karnival
495 9811147 Michael Jackson CA016 Silver Crescent
496 9811160 Jordan Lees IND_SW Indep Southwest
497 9811167 Megan McGuire NE002 Ivory Serpent
498 9811169 Denise E Greene CA032 Chateau Gaumont de la Nuit Eternelle
499 9811178 Travis Kelman KS008 Lost Hearts
500 9811179 Mike Gearman SC003 Eternal Council
501 9811180 Patrick Gearman SC003 Eternal Council
502 9811189 Stephen Gibby TX016 Nocturnal Illuminatis
503 9811190 William Gibby TX016 Nocturnal Illuminatis
504 9811203 Carl G. Clark CO011 Shrine of the Crimson Star
505 9812003 Matthew W. Hensberry FL001 Scarlet Sin
506 9812004 Stan Strawn NV006 Dark Glittering Knights
507 9812013 Debra D. Killian TX051 Infinite Improbabilities
508 9812016 Mark Avila TX051 Infinite Improbabilities
509 9812023 Judith R. Conly VA003 Four Winds
510 9812053 Joshua Dupuy AR003 Crimson Tear Society
511 9812060 Selena McDevitt FL005 Island of the Red Tide
512 9812067 Josh Chaney VA003 Four Winds
513 9812084 Robert Ansell NY003 Ge'Hinnom Crusade
514 9812104 Charles Speck AR004 Sept of the Silver Moon
515 9812105 Tim Hodgden OH005 Children of Twilight
516 9812113 Lisa Charlton OH002 The Red and The Black
517 9812130 Justin Edward Sisson VA009 Curse of the Seven Cities
518 9861192 Tamara Phillips AU001 Order of the Black Swan
519 9871001 Michelle Berry CN014 Manor of Immortal Souls
520 9871005 Jeffrey Budd CN012 Fallen Elms
521 9871010 Danielle Donovan VA003 Four Winds
522 9871015 Andrew Inness CN014 Manor of Immortal Souls
523 9871017 Corrie McAuley CN013 Sept of the Veiled Answer
524 9871022 K Woolley CN012 Fallen Elms
525 9880002 Robynn Scott CN019 Barony of Shining Waters
526 9880027 Chris Duffield CN009 Cathedral of Lost Souls
527 9880031 Richard Hovey CN009 Cathedral of Lost Souls
528 9880033 Hilary Wilson CN009 Cathedral of Lost Souls
529 9880034 Chris Wilson CN008 Wylde Mysts
530 9880035 Juley Clark CN023 Dark Symphony
531 9885008 Mike Paysen CN020 Wine & Ashes
532 9901014 Scott Ludwig OH007 Blood and Ashes
533 9901017 Rebecca Weston TX025 Rabid Roach
534 9901021 Leslie Moschetti CA030 Luna's Reprisal
535 9901033 Jesse Means WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
536 9901036 Joseph Lee Hale CA012 Moonlight Masquerade
537 9901042 Mike Kostur OR002 Luminescent Dream
538 9901057 Patrick Neff LA001 Nox Mortis
539 9901060 Courtney Cochran TN002 Shades of Pale Society
540 9901078 Josie Stanton AL008 Autumn-Forge
541 9902003 Alan Townsend FL019 Werian Argentum Ocali
542 9902005 Rebecca Haines FL024 Conspiracy of Disillusion
543 9902015 Joseph Moon CA023 Sepulchre
544 9902031 Aaron Pollyea MI010 The Long Winter
545 9902033 Darlene Morgan MI010 The Long Winter
546 9902035 Julianna Routhier MI004 Lansing by Night
547 9902037 Pete Grunewald MA001 Crescent Moon
548 9902039 Michelle Webb KY003 Nox Aeternus
549 9902044 Robert Tessier WA017 Insurgent Mystique
550 9902062 Jennifer Canales IND_SC Indep South Central
551 9902076 Joseph Thomas KS008 Lost Hearts
552 9902085 Isaac Avery CA026 Histum Yani
553 9902102 Jason Schneiderman MA002 Severed Sun
554 9902113 Jason Gish MO016 Nightmare Theater
555 9902120 Joseph Lynch AL001 Kindred of the Shadows
556 9902134 Candace J. Jockers KS004 Masque of Corruption
557 9902136 Stacey Allee KS005 St. Jude:Patron Saint of Lost Causes
558 9902141 Doug Baker KS004 Masque of Corruption
559 9902148 David Mans CA027 N & D
560 9902149 Christopher Smith CA027 N & D
561 9903012 Korey Wylie CO007 Faceless Empire
562 9903017 Todd Crawford OR028 Guild of the Black Rose
563 9903032 Brandon Amancio WA006 House of Pain/House of Forsaken Son
564 9903034 David Michael Trousdale TX051 Infinite Improbabilities
565 9903036 Christopher Lynn Edwards TX001 Ruby Chalice
566 9903055 Geoffrey Davison MD001 Twisted Passions
567 9903067 Carrie-Anne Scidmore WA011 Turpis Putridis Nequam
568 9903068 Keith Scidmore WA011 Turpis Putridis Nequam
569 9903069 Eric Scidmore WA011 Turpis Putridis Nequam
570 9903106 T. J. Brumfield NE001 Ebon Seraph
571 9903107 Jami Rhoads NE003 Crimson Dusk
572 9903110 Timothy Holmes NV006 Dark Glittering Knights
573 9903117 Brian Ward TX041 Amici Noctis
574 9903122 Benjamin Bolton IND_SE Indep Southeast
575 9903130 Shane Downey IND_SW Indep Southwest
576 9903151 John Ciminillo OH005 Children of Twilight
577 9903155 Jimi Hendricks MO005 Coterie of the Silent Voice
578 9903156 Kevin Scheidt VA013 The House Divided
579 9903161 M. Miranda Allison AL004 Twilight Council
580 9903162 Arwyn Smalley OR032 Haven
581 9904019 Adam Cerling NY002 Apocalypse Rochester
582 9904028 Kyle Ross TX029 I Tappa Vein
583 9904030 Phil Amirault FL019 Werian Argentum Ocali
584 9904041 Autumn Brooks TX051 Infinite Improbabilities
585 9904042 Daniel Scott TX001 Ruby Chalice
586 9904046 Sarah Heffron MD001 Twisted Passions
587 9904068 Sara Rosera OR002 Luminescent Dream
588 9904098 Randy Edmonds IND_SE Indep Southeast
589 9904125 Rustin L. Haines KS007 Twilight Masquerade
591 9904135 Danielle Bork FL019 Werian Argentum Ocali
592 9904137 Joseph Mantler AL001 Kindred of the Shadows
593 9904180 Jarrod Keeler FL011 Covenant of the Poisoned Absinthe
594 9904186 Leah Adams TX029 I Tappa Vein
595 9904187 Daniel Luboff CA015 Anathema
596 9904188 Shanti Ellis CA015 Anathema
597 9904193 Bradley Cook CO013 Theatre Magique
598 9905007 Stephen P. Bearden TX036 Crimson Triangle
599 9905015 Shawn Hennessey MA001 Crescent Moon
600 9905016 Wallace Mack TX013 Sable Rose
601 9905018 Paula Watt TN003 Days of Bitter Rage
602 9905022 Lucia Horton AZ003 The Last Outpost
603 9905025 Mike Meyer AZ003 The Last Outpost
604 9905033 William Allee KS007 Twilight Masquerade
605 9905043 Jason Weisbrot CT003 Scooter my Daisyheads
606 9905064 Thomas Cross LA003 Legiuncula Ex Sanginis Amaranth
607 9905088 Mark Cockerham CA018 Paradise Lost
608 9905090 Marilee Glenn WA037 Resurrections
609 9905098 Travis Abston TN003 Days of Bitter Rage
610 9905102 James Sloan TX016 Nocturnal Illuminatis
611 9905103 Stephen Brula TX016 Nocturnal Illuminatis
612 9905104 Roy Knight TX016 Nocturnal Illuminatis
613 9905106 David Schick OH003 Oegid Termonn
614 9905112 Brian Majors CA024 Maledorium
615 9905117 Herbert McNally ME006 Abattoir of the Immortal Beast
616 9905127 Mathew Monroe PA005 House of the Wicked
617 9905128 Choli Lightfoot CA013 Pharos Myst
618 9905136 Darin A. Higgins FL001 Scarlet Sin
619 9906010 Bryan W. Blalack KS004 Masque of Corruption
620 9906019 Lynda Byatt OH010 House of Forbidden Curses
621 9906028 Antoinette Dubovsky-Modar PA003 Shadow's Veil
622 9906046 James Nester OH007 Blood and Ashes
623 9906060 Christopher B. DiAngelo CA022 Dark Tower
624 9906083 Catherine Mercer KS005 St. Jude:Patron Saint of Lost Causes
625 9906085 Myke Diemart KS007 Twilight Masquerade
626 9906086 Nathan Hinshaw KS007 Twilight Masquerade
627 9906087 Courtney Shook KS007 Twilight Masquerade
628 9906089 Brian Diemart KS007 Twilight Masquerade
629 9906093 Drew Wood WA056 Common Rabble
630 9906130 Kevin Brown KS001 Dominion of Solitude
631 9906158 Gail Mayes WA052 Dark Covenant
632 9907018 Tonya Schmidt MO021 Carpe Sempiterna Nox Noctis
633 9907019 Peter L. Schmidt MO021 Carpe Sempiterna Nox Noctis
634 9907033 David W. Hites OH008 House of Civil Unrest
635 9907054 Jason Haines FL024 Conspiracy of Disillusion
636 9907061 Michael Redden IND_GL Indep Great Lakes
637 9907076 David Turner OR002 Luminescent Dream
638 9907077 Keri Urban OR002 Luminescent Dream
639 9907085 Natasha T. Swift MA002 Severed Sun
640 9907098 Anthony Giacalone CA019 Obsidian Bay
641 9907105 Bear Nunley FL023 House of the Eternal Cliché
642 9907170 Gabriel Bell ME006 Abattoir of the Immortal Beast
643 9907191 Dyane Kirkland MO001 Coterie of the Pale Heart
644 9908011 David Norris TX053 Chapter V
645 9908012 Judy Craft TX003 Casa de los Waffles
646 9908014 Richard Pruiett WA015 Invisible Blade
647 9908016 Harley Cox IND_SC Indep South Central
648 9908020 Nathan Thomas OK001 Onyx Chronicles
649 9908022 Kenneth Oswalt IND_SC Indep South Central
650 9908024 Patrick Chandler TX013 Sable Rose
651 9908025 Allen Levy FL001 Scarlet Sin
652 9908026 Gordon Spinks OH003 Oegid Termonn
653 9908029 Benjamin Weger IN007 Severance
654 9908043 Jason Carmichael KS010 Elysium of Insanity
655 9908045 Nicole Coats MI004 Lansing by Night
656 9908053 Tara Crawford CT002 Immortal Thoughts
657 9908054 Paul Crawford CT002 Immortal Thoughts
658 9908060 Michael Brinkley AL007 Crimson Shadows
659 9908065 Phyllis Owens AL007 Crimson Shadows
660 9908092 Jacob Miller VA010 Enoch's Throne
661 9908094 Paula Cullins OR031 House of Decadence
662 9908134 Jeremy Parkinson MI006 The Final Path
663 9908146 David Sauter CA030 Luna's Reprisal
664 9908149 Larry Castleberry AL001 Kindred of the Shadows
665 9908165 Ryan Mulderig GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
666 9908206 Gregory Bogaert MI007 Projekt Dark
667 9909007 Philip G. Shepard VA014 Dark Harbor Chronicle
668 9909016 Karen Price GA005 Willow's Heart
669 9909032 Robyn Palmer TX018 Garden of Thorns
670 9909041 John Hall OK002 Twilight Theater
671 9909044 Damon Edwards AR007 Carpe Collum
672 9909045 Sherry Owen AR005 Little Rock by Night
673 9909056 Cassandra Ragan CA030 Luna's Reprisal
674 9909065 Matthew Danley OR033 Dark Decree
675 9909074 Raina Kuptz MI010 The Long Winter
676 9909083 Steven Statham TX001 Ruby Chalice
677 9909090 Timothy J. Kukes WA056 Common Rabble
678 9909100 Gary Corkins UT008 Velvet Glove
679 9909133 Chris White TX053 Chapter V
680 9909134 Benjamin Craft-Rendon TX003 Casa de los Waffles
681 9909135 Jeremy Nicholas TX053 Chapter V
682 9909137 Brandi Dunn TX001 Ruby Chalice
683 9909145 Kimberly Allbee CA025 Monsters under the Bed
684 9909155 Jerrod Johnson TX003 Casa de los Waffles
685 9909164 Clinton Hess VA014 Dark Harbor Chronicle
686 9909165 Kerry M. Collier MD001 Twisted Passions
687 9909172 Levi Mason TX003 Casa de los Waffles
688 9909175 Matthew H. Roberts TX052 Decadent Deviants
689 9909177 Amanda Byrne TX045 House Mysterium
690 9909179 Jonathan Ware FL020 Society of Shadows
691 9909183 Lisa Schoop AZ005 Tithe of Souls
692 9909184 Joshua Draper WA015 Invisible Blade
693 9909185 Robert Brawn OR032 Haven
694 9909186 Brannon Boren WA002 House Sublime
695 9909193 James Fredrickson FL020 Society of Shadows
696 9909194 Paul Lee FL020 Society of Shadows
697 9909210 Erika Hale MT004 House of the Crimson Moon
698 9910007 Clint Eve GA007 Maudlin Moon
699 9910012 Sudiptya Banerjee AK011 Straw Dog Society
700 9910013 Jamiey Powell TX023 L'ecole des Enfants Damnes
701 9910017 Robin Johnson CA033 The Dragon's Coils
702 9910018 Keith Johnson CA033 The Dragon's Coils
703 9910019 Keith Humfeld PA001 House of the Unknown
704 9910022 Nicole DesRosiers PA001 House of the Unknown
705 9910028 Michael Harding WA048 Empire of Shadows
706 9910035 Laura M. Laffoon NC003 Memories of Sunlight
707 9910042 Jennifer Altizer FL015 D'Arch Pirates
708 9910044 Brandon Daniels OH011 House of the Rising Phoenix
709 9910048 Lee Holstein IND_EC Indep East Central
710 9910049 Jean Uherc IND_EC Indep East Central
711 9910057 James Swigonski OH002 The Red and The Black
712 9910064 Alex Boyd KS007 Twilight Masquerade
713 9910065 Jonathan Young KS007 Twilight Masquerade
714 9910079 Justin Kear MI010 The Long Winter
715 9910089 Brian Lee GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
716 9910115 Mark Jaruzel MI010 The Long Winter
717 9910117 Jason Patton ME004 House of the Forgotten Hour
718 9910120 Thomas Redd AR006 Fettered Dreams
719 9910123 John Thomas Weimor PA003 Shadow's Veil
720 9910128 Jason Dilling GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
721 9910151 Torin Emerson OR033 Dark Decree
722 9911003 Patrick Lasswell OR002 Luminescent Dream
723 9911008 Jason M. Vurik OR030 House of Lords
724 9911018 Brian Misamore TX002 Domus Sangreal
725 9911020 Stan Holmes KY003 Nox Aeternus
726 9911024 Jennifer Kuipers MD001 Twisted Passions
727 9911025 Christopher White CA022 Dark Tower
728 9911026 Kevin Martin CO014 Camarilla of Boulder
729 9911028 Nathan Halsey Dayton V VA013 The House Divided
730 9911031 Wade Wallace TX025 Rabid Roach
731 9911037 Eric Dennison SC008 Somnium Libre (aka High Star)
732 9911040 Joseph A. Johns FL008 Eternal Charade
733 9911045 James Newton IND_SC Indep South Central
734 9911049 Scott McCarroll SC008 Somnium Libre (aka High Star)
735 9911050 Joshua P. Supan VA014 Dark Harbor Chronicle
736 9911063 David Whaley FL008 Eternal Charade
737 9911067 Mary Ann Whaley FL008 Eternal Charade
738 9912008 Thomas Jurban Jr FL026 Society of the Ebon Amaranth
739 9912010 Candace Johnson FL026 Society of the Ebon Amaranth
740 9912012 Kenneth McComber MI006 The Final Path
741 9912013 David Whitney TX029 I Tappa Vein
742 9912014 Andrew Dowie WA059 Restless Spirits
743 9912020 Trent W. King OH002 The Red and The Black
744 9912022 Paul Mysliwiec GA004 Crimson Rose
745 9912029 Erik Brummal OK001 Onyx Chronicles
746 9912044 Travis Buck TN007 Eet Mor Goths
747 9912050 Abraham van Heerden IND_SAFR South Africa
748 9912054 Marc Eggers PA001 House of the Unknown
749 9912065 Jeannie Bitter MO021 Carpe Sempiterna Nox Noctis
750 9912066 Matthew McCoy MO021 Carpe Sempiterna Nox Noctis
751 9912067 Dale Robbins MO005 Coterie of the Silent Voice
752 9912077 Samuel J. Cluck OK004 Gaia's Dream
753 9912087 Christopher Service KY003 Nox Aeternus
754 9912090 Carl Hanson LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
755 9912096 Shernette Simmons GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
756 9912101 Lisa Sloniker WA052 Dark Covenant
757 9912127 Jason Alsip IN006 Empires Lost
758 9912134 James D. Horton MO025 Innocence Lost
759 9912139 Susan Price MD001 Twisted Passions
760 9912142 Michael LaCert CA032 Chateau Gaumont de la Nuit Eternelle
761 9912176 Danielle Sullivan CO002 Eclectic Rose
762 9912180 Christina Horton MO025 Innocence Lost
763 9933010 Shona Cruden CN018 House of Dark Waters
764 9933033 Jason Lovitt CN019 Barony of Shining Waters
765 9933047 David Fox CN-026 Sundered Will
766 200001035 Max Fitterman WA024 House Blackmoon
767 200001043 RAMR#00001 WA058 Ballads of Darkness
768 200001045 Karl Kieninger CO002 Eclectic Rose
769 200001057 Adam Sweeny IN009 Grave Desires
770 200001058 Rob Geroux CN016 Tangled Web
771 200001060 Mike Grimes CN016 Tangled Web
772 200001061 Mark Duffield CN016 Tangled Web
773 200001064 Sean Silver-Paterson CN024 The Gathering
774 200001075 Rob Gaebel CN016 Tangled Web
775 200001076 Richard Cornie CN016 Tangled Web
776 200001096 Ryan Sullivan CN022 Dire Epiphany Chapter
777 200001101 Hugh Montgomerie CN022 Dire Epiphany Chapter
778 200001106 Barbara Mertz CA016 Silver Crescent
779 200001110 Walter Dudek IL006 Outlands Aria
780 200001111 Kevin Gray TN005 A Sorrow of Ravens
781 200001115 Shaari Ladue CO014 Camarilla of Boulder
782 200001132 Jason Andrews CO011 Shrine of the Crimson Star
783 200001145 Shaista Mohommed TX003 Casa de los Waffles
784 200001146 Michaelyn Simonian CA022 Dark Tower
785 200001155 Chester Parks IN011 Out of the Shadows
786 200001156 Charles Savio IN006 Empires Lost
787 200001159 Michelle Westerfield IL006 Outlands Aria
788 200001166 Dennis Overmeyer IL008 Excessum Velius Immortalis Lamenta
789 200001167 John Reid IL006 Outlands Aria
790 200001168 Charles Flanagan TX010 En Vitae Veritas
791 200002007 Mario DiGirolamo IL006 Outlands Aria
792 200002022 Ryan Powell IND_SC Indep South Central
793 200002028 Steven Truesdell CO007 Faceless Empire
794 200002032 Chris Martire OK003 Lost Colony
795 200002042 Sarah Pantke VA012 Broken Tower
796 200002044 Andy Todd OR026 Coterie of the Tilted Glass
797 200002049 Jason A. Lewis OK001 Onyx Chronicles
798 200002052 Mark Seely WA050 Whispering Shadows
799 200002055 John Beck CO002 Eclectic Rose
800 200002058 Luke Hentges MO017 Cain's Karnival
801 200002072 William Pangonis FL004 Tainted Kiss
802 200002080 Christopher L. Simpson TN003 Days of Bitter Rage
803 200002089 Chris Smith CA036 Void Ascending
804 200002091 James Strong CA036 Void Ascending
805 200002095 Alexis Roberts SC008 Somnium Libre (aka High Star)
806 200002110 Adam Steinberg TN001 Technocratic Nation
807 200002111 Kay Adams TN001 Technocratic Nation
808 200002112 Mike Adams TN001 Technocratic Nation
809 200002113 Kathy Sherman TX051 Infinite Improbabilities
810 200002125 Justin Cross OK001 Onyx Chronicles
811 200002128 Heather Lewis OK001 Onyx Chronicles
812 200002138 Justin Melton GA009 Marionettes in Nights Performance
813 200002143 Autumn Bunce WA048 Empire of Shadows
814 200002166 James Doan MI006 The Final Path
815 200002171 Mary E. Kleinhenz IL008 Excessum Velius Immortalis Lamenta
816 200002179 Jackie Wong SC003 Eternal Council
817 200003012 Emily Arnold NY002 Apocalypse Rochester
818 200003013 Chris Compton NC003 Memories of Sunlight
819 200003025 James L. Schultz WA017 Insurgent Mystique
820 200003030 Roy Duelfer MT002 Chapter Blackmoore
821 200003034 Ryan Lockamy-Emmons OR033 Dark Decree
822 200003042 Terrie Kroeker IL006 Outlands Aria
823 200003055 Benjamin Lear TX013 Sable Rose
824 200003065 Josiah Freeman WA048 Empire of Shadows
825 200003067 Alan Saul GA002 False Daylight
826 200003076 Brian Fellers TX031 Gathering Storms
827 200003085 Richard Munden CA035 City of Voices Lost
828 200003090 Sara DeSanto NY004 Children of the Lost Eden
829 200003092 Casey Hearn OH006 Circle of the Veiled Templars
830 200003132 Brian Caples TX013 Sable Rose
831 200003143 Bradley Heichelbech SC001 Charlestonus Ab Noctum
832 200003154 Jonathan Lotzer TX009 Burning Moon
833 200003171 Gerald Hastings WA018 Obsidian Rose
834 200003194 Scott Brown AL001 Kindred of the Shadows
835 200003204 Christopher Madsen IL008 Excessum Velius Immortalis Lamenta
836 200003221 Daniel Crisman FL011 Covenant of the Poisoned Absinthe
837 200003224 RAMR#00002 CO002 Eclectic Rose
838 200003227 Jennifer Pitts MO016 Nightmare Theater
839 200004007 Christine Lawson-Bernacke AZ003 The Last Outpost
840 200004008 Phil Bernacke AZ003 The Last Outpost
841 200004009 Jim Moreland MO016 Nightmare Theater
842 200004022 Michael Liberatore OH007 Blood and Ashes
843 200004064 Christopher Karstens TX003 Casa de los Waffles
844 200004068 Ronald Plumley FL020 Society of Shadows
845 200004072 Michael Prettiman PA003 Shadow's Veil
846 200004093 William Laymance OK001 Onyx Chronicles
847 200004107 Brian Shader MO021 Carpe Sempiterna Nox Noctis
848 200004124 Andrew McGregor FL020 Society of Shadows
849 200004151 Anthony Fuentes CA023 Sepulchre
850 200004154 Johnathan Curl TX036 Crimson Triangle
851 200004155 Jonathan Perkins TX036 Crimson Triangle
852 200004174 Charles Riordan TX029 I Tappa Vein
853 200004176 Richard Starkweather TX022 Legio Noctem
854 200004179 Sean Harby NJ005 Blood Sown Fields
855 200004182 Chris Morley NY004 Children of the Lost Eden
856 200004184 Jason Sullivan GA007 Maudlin Moon
857 200004198 Angela Rexwinkle OK003 Lost Colony
858 200004199 Josh Rexwinkle OK003 Lost Colony
859 200004200 Joe Burns OK003 Lost Colony
860 200004208 Tyler Brooks AK011 Straw Dog Society
861 200004229 Justin McClure OR034 Chapter Antitribu
862 200004234 Brad Thompson TN003 Days of Bitter Rage
863 200004240 Chris Foltz MO024 Fraternitas Noctu
864 200004244 Richard Hopkins-Lutz OH010 House of Forbidden Curses
865 200004245 Steve Johnson VA017 City of Sorrows
866 200004248 Lee Snyder IND_EC Indep East Central
867 200004250 Candace Murray VA015 Haven of Dark Justice
868 200004262 Gwen Ranae Richeson KS009 Barren Fields of Eden
869 200004296 Michael Scott KS005 St. Jude:Patron Saint of Lost Causes
870 200004302 Greg Zuvich OR026 Coterie of the Tilted Glass
871 200004307 Sean Conner WA058 Ballads of Darkness
872 200004317 Kimberly Dunn AL001 Kindred of the Shadows
873 200004318 Jamie Johnson FL008 Eternal Charade
874 200004322 Rachel J. McCarthy IL002 Twilight's Rapture
875 200005009 Andrew James OH012 Children of the Blood
876 200005015 Andy Baldwin TX005 Chapter X
877 200005016 Julia Elser TN005 A Sorrow of Ravens
878 200005018 Sarah Ann Densmore AR003 Crimson Tear Society
879 200005027 Aimee Vogel OH007 Blood and Ashes
880 200005034 Ian Harris TN001 Technocratic Nation
881 200005041 Christopher Pousche AK005 Theater of Darkness
882 200005045 Alpheus E. Woodley III MI010 The Long Winter
883 200005049 Wes Contreras OR034 Chapter Antitribu
884 200005053 Tracy Calloway TX013 Sable Rose
885 200005057 Teresa Gohnert WA050 Whispering Shadows
886 200005062 Brett Worrell VA003 Four Winds
887 200005064 William Brinkman IL008 Excessum Velius Immortalis Lamenta
888 200005070 Mike Butler WA058 Ballads of Darkness
889 200005073 Karl Kettelhut TX016 Nocturnal Illuminatis
890 200005076 Elizabeth Higgins GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
891 200005111 Joseph Haight IND_EC Indep East Central
892 200006001 K. Meine TX053 Chapter V
893 200006014 Charles Pierce AK011 Straw Dog Society
894 200006024 James Sammons AK011 Straw Dog Society
895 200006025 Randall Samalot CA029 Reign of Ash
896 200006030 John Burgan MO021 Carpe Sempiterna Nox Noctis
897 200006055 Matt Webb TX023 L'ecole des Enfants Damnes
898 200006065 Aleeta Brashear TX003 Casa de los Waffles
899 200006095 Garrett Hyde AZ004 Night Shift
900 200006114 Lenny Manis KS010 Elysium of Insanity
901 200006128 Greg Behm OH007 Blood and Ashes
902 200006130 Saidy Iraiqat CA012 Moonlight Masquerade
903 200006144 Andrew Marshall OR031 House of Decadence
904 200007017 Tim Hardwick AL001 Kindred of the Shadows
905 200007045 Josh Humble CA024 Maledorium
906 200007052 Evan Robertson MI004 Lansing by Night
907 200007060 Jesse Masterson FL011 Covenant of the Poisoned Absinthe
908 200007069 Travis Jones IND_SE Indep Southeast
909 200007077 Ray Yu MI007 Projekt Dark
910 200007078 Rob Saunders CA034 Dark Side of Eden
911 200007100 Timothy J. Troupe OR014 Shrouded Covenant
912 200007108 Lance Smith CO002 Eclectic Rose
913 200007117 Brack Wilkirson TX053 Chapter V
914 200007118 David Scott TN005 A Sorrow of Ravens
915 200007120 David Lydon WA060 Crossroads of Deception
916 200007139 Craig Hobbs OH011 House of the Rising Phoenix
917 200007140 Robert Yenowine OK003 Lost Colony
918 200007141 Derek B. Clark PA003 Shadow's Veil
919 200007148 Vanese Corkins UT008 Velvet Glove
920 200007149 Phillip Vela TX029 I Tappa Vein
921 200007161 Regina Yuhas MT002 Chapter Blackmoore
922 200007163 John Ward MT003 Legion of Shadows
923 200007166 Wendy Misuinas MA002 Severed Sun
924 200007169 David Long CO012 Half Past Midnight
925 200007171 Chad Kindell CO012 Half Past Midnight
926 200007173 G. Fillhart VA017 City of Sorrows
927 200007176 James Stubenrauch VA017 City of Sorrows
928 200007185 Crisstopher Walker AR006 Fettered Dreams
929 200007192 Ashley Clark IND_SC Indep South Central
930 200007196 Alan Olson CO012 Half Past Midnight
931 200008018 Kimberly Rose-Lucy WA058 Ballads of Darkness
932 200008021 Amy VanBibber MI010 The Long Winter
933 200008022 Amanda Romanyk IL007 House of Eternal Knights
934 200008043 Sarah Despars AZ009 Misterio Vista
935 200008049 Joshua Aronoff MT003 Legion of Shadows
936 200008051 Sharis Kimball IND_SE Indep Southeast
937 200008057 Amber Gross TX021 Silver Path
938 200008073 Will Webster KS008 Lost Hearts
939 200008074 Autumn Webster KS008 Lost Hearts
940 200008089 Franklin Kent GA002 False Daylight
941 200008105 Alex Pogue MA001 Crescent Moon
942 200008106 David McFarland LA001 Nox Mortis
943 200008107 Dennis J. Digan AK011 Straw Dog Society
944 200008114 Jennifer DiGirolamo IL006 Outlands Aria
945 200008130 Renante Awa VA014 Dark Harbor Chronicle
946 200008133 Alexander H. Aldridge MT002 Chapter Blackmoore
947 200008135 Steve Lofquist LA003 Legiuncula Ex Sanginis Amaranth
948 200008139 Alex McCoy TX053 Chapter V
949 200008144 William Brunson Jr. VA003 Four Winds
950 200008173 Tim Kryselmire UT004 Rising Sun
951 200008177 Christian Muck UT004 Rising Sun
952 200008182 David Zoltan MI010 The Long Winter
953 200008190 Aaron Bryant CA021 Moustique Noir
954 200009011 David Diepenbruck OH007 Blood and Ashes
955 200009013 Brenda Walker PA006 Inevitable Descent
956 200009014 James Lambert TX003 Casa de los Waffles
957 200009031 Martha Beutel CA023 Sepulchre
958 200009032 William Nash IND_NW Indep NW
959 200009037 Scott Geib TX048 House Nightingale
960 200009042 Ben Sims VA015 Haven of Dark Justice
961 200009045 Ryan Sutter WA060 Crossroads of Deception
962 200009046 Tim Leber MO005 Coterie of the Silent Voice
963 200009058 Michelle Rogers MI012 Darque Horizons
964 200009139 Stephen Shasteen FL024 Conspiracy of Disillusion
965 200009142 Tammy Justice MI008 Dark Fields
966 200009143 Laura A. Dolsen LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
967 200009156 Daniel Minton OK001 Onyx Chronicles
968 200009162 Michael Sears IN009 Grave Desires
969 200009198 Megaera Jarvis WA028 Dark Prophecy
970 200010002 Robert Harrold OH007 Blood and Ashes
971 200010013 Donny McClain AR003 Crimson Tear Society
972 200010015 Brighton Wood AK011 Straw Dog Society
973 200010016 Robert Michaud AK011 Straw Dog Society
974 200010040 Audrey Cevolo OR026 Coterie of the Tilted Glass
975 200010048 Diana Brokl CA034 Dark Side of Eden
976 200010049 Carl Einsmann VA013 The House Divided
977 200010064 Michael Feier NY004 Children of the Lost Eden
978 200010068 Heather Gannon CO002 Eclectic Rose
979 200010106 Thomas Heaney CO005 Ground Zero
980 200010107 Will Van Meter PA005 House of the Wicked
981 200010123 Brian Buckley WA028 Dark Prophecy
982 200010129 Catherine J. Smead CO014 Camarilla of Boulder
983 200010130 James E. Ray CO014 Camarilla of Boulder
984 200010140 Chris Plett WA022 Remnants
985 200010142 Steve Racuans VA003 Four Winds
986 200010144 Sheila Donahue NY003 Ge'Hinnom Crusade
987 200010161 Larry Cline OR029 Heralds of the Red Star
988 200010162 Chloe French CO002 Eclectic Rose
989 200010164 Bryce Barrow CA021 Moustique Noir
990 200010169 Brandon Lucius WA036 House of Corruption
991 200010175 Jerry Willing IL008 Excessum Velius Immortalis Lamenta
992 200011002 Cameron Watkins FL002 Sanguine Moon
993 200011003 Michael Werner IND_EC Indep East Central
994 200011006 Michael Malecki PA003 Shadow's Veil
995 200011007 Joseph Lozzi FL020 Society of Shadows
996 200011016 Mike Rensing OR024 Blistered Sun
997 200011033 Jennifer Mintz FL002 Sanguine Moon
998 200011034 Christopher Duesler FL024 Conspiracy of Disillusion
999 200011036 Kobin Bingham IND_SW Indep Southwest
1000 200011037 Troy Turner IND_SW Indep Southwest
1001 200011040 Tyler Marlatt WA037 Resurrections
1002 200011049 Richard Zimmermann VA001 Ansate Cross
1003 200011059 Ryan L. Goble MT003 Legion of Shadows
1004 200011060 McHenry Keith MT003 Legion of Shadows
1005 200011101 Dustin Michael Bloominger KS004 Masque of Corruption
1006 200011102 Wes Harrell GA009 Marionettes in Nights Performance
1007 200011118 Robert Fouts IND_SW Indep Southwest
1008 200011119 Christopher Conner CO014 Camarilla of Boulder
1009 200012004 Steve McCormick CO014 Camarilla of Boulder
1010 200012013 John Osborne CA013 Pharos Myst
1011 200012014 Beth Helminiak LA001 Nox Mortis
1012 200012015 Andrew Morain MT002 Chapter Blackmoore
1013 200012023 Gina Keezer KS004 Masque of Corruption
1014 200012039 Miryea Shasteen FL024 Conspiracy of Disillusion
1015 200012043 Richard Stoffer IL007 House of Eternal Knights
1016 200012058 Stephanie Howard TX048 House Nightingale
1017 200012060 Robert Armstrong WA047 Dark Emerald
1018 200012063 Matt Slaton SC008 Somnium Libre (aka High Star)
1019 200012067 Molly Kilby KS005 St. Jude:Patron Saint of Lost Causes
1020 200012075 Ludvig Yabar VA010 Enoch's Throne
1021 200012078 Michael Lee MI010 The Long Winter
1022 200012082 Todd Baughman AL004 Twilight Council
1023 200012098 Kevin Zoren MT004 House of the Crimson Moon
1024 200012108 Sara Quinn CO002 Eclectic Rose
1025 200012123 Troy Nahrwold MD001 Twisted Passions
1026 200012201 Indrani Mahadeo CN016 Tangled Web
1027 200012203 Chris Dakins CN016 Tangled Web
1028 200012239 Gaellin O'Rourke CN018 House of Dark Waters
1029 200012245 Hal Thompson CN020 Wine & Ashes
1030 200012249 Michael McNamara CN008 Wylde Mysts
1031 200080001 Louise Bouchard CN007 Sept of the Shattered Beacon
1032 200080016 Nicole McLean CN009 Cathedral of Lost Souls
1033 200080034 Phil Rickaby CN022 Dire Epiphany Chapter
1034 200080050 Evie Pond CN013 Sept of the Veiled Answer
1035 200080055 Matt Pitre CN007 Sept of the Shattered Beacon
1036 200080066 Jade Cropley CN025 Wine & Roses
1037 200080068 Tyler Harcus CN020 Wine & Ashes
1038 200080073 Kerry Hayes CN021 Wine & Prophecy
1039 200080079 Sarah Williams CN020 Wine & Ashes
1040 200080084 Jeff Croft CN021 Wine & Prophecy
1041 200101004 Christofer Ferguson LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
1042 200101006 Steven DeMars LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
1043 200101008 Michael Christian Chadwick LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
1044 200101011 James Ballay LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
1045 200101014 Shawn Hull AK003 Shadowed City
1046 200101033 Charlie Vick AL006 Shades of Chaos
1047 200101034 Sheena Foster WA024 House Blackmoon
1048 200101044 Zachary Johnston WA036 House of Corruption
1049 200101048 William Sternenberg TX050 Hearts of Darkness
1050 200101049 Timothy Brosnan RI002 House on 276 Angell Street
1051 200101055 Scott Cohen TX050 Hearts of Darkness
1052 200101056 Kevin Brosnan RI002 House on 276 Angell Street
1053 200101057 James A. Ruggiero RI002 House on 276 Angell Street
1054 200101065 Shryl Hester
1055 200101069 Dustin Rogers KY003 Nox Aeternus
1056 200101076 Jed Stancato OH008 House of Civil Unrest
1057 200101080 James S. Giesey PA006 Inevitable Descent
1058 200101082 Cameron McCoy WA037 Resurrections
1059 200101088 Dale Miller NC005 Croatan Dreams
1060 200101090 Sharon Yarbrough GA001 Blackened Hearth
1061 200101093 James Orr KS009 Barren Fields of Eden
1062 200101096 Danielle Hunt
1063 200101098 Matt Shafer CO002 Eclectic Rose
1064 200101100 Christopher Leeson KS009 Barren Fields of Eden
1065 200101104 Charles R. Batchelor LA003 Legiuncula Ex Sanginis Amaranth
1066 200101112 Chris Paul TX003 Casa de los Waffles
1067 200102002 Mandy Shick IND_SC Indep South Central
1068 200102003 Sandra Panter KS009 Barren Fields of Eden
1069 200102007 Jon Hoskins KS004 Masque of Corruption
1070 200102009 Hoyt Spencer OK003 Lost Colony
1071 200102013 Danish Miller AL001 Kindred of the Shadows
1072 200102017 Joshua Herron LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
1073 200102030 Ronald Conner OR033 Dark Decree
1074 200102040 Niki Chase FL019 Werian Argentum Ocali
1075 200102045 Kimberly Campbell KS009 Barren Fields of Eden
1076 200102068 Mike Falzone NC003 Memories of Sunlight
1077 200102070 Trey Holliday SC008 Somnium Libre (aka High Star)
1078 200102072 Corey Keiser FL020 Society of Shadows
1079 200102074 Beamon W. Cutrell VA013 The House Divided
1080 200102079 Tiffany Crosby VA003 Four Winds
1081 200102080 Ramon Gonzalez VA003 Four Winds
1082 200102089 Daman Vance OH005 Children of Twilight
1083 200102092 Valorie Garrard NV006 Dark Glittering Knights
1084 200102098 Eric G Silveira CA037 Twilight Cathedral
1085 200102101 Jim Chastain WA061 Arta Diluculo
1086 200102103 Jason Powell IND_EC Indep East Central
1087 200102114 Vincent Gautier TX001 Ruby Chalice
1088 200102116 Janet Greenley PA004 Circus Silenti Latratorrum
1089 200102138 Joseph Diaz FL002 Sanguine Moon
1090 200102139 Jennifer Kooken FL002 Sanguine Moon
1091 200102141 Ruth Schatz FL002 Sanguine Moon
1092 200102142 Ryan Marsh FL002 Sanguine Moon
1093 200102143 Megan Parks CA016 Silver Crescent
1094 200102145 Josh DeVaney IN011 Out of the Shadows
1095 200103003 Jeff Isaak WA033 Thorns
1096 200103004 Sage Howard WA033 Thorns
1097 200103006 Kerry Beckett TX001 Ruby Chalice
1098 200103009 Kathleen Bozeman LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
1099 200103010 Thomas Harmon LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
1100 200103011 Bo Callaway LA002 Nights of the Red Tables
1101 200103019 Shayne Cooley CA037 Twilight Cathedral
1102 200103022 Ron Bowers CA037 Twilight Cathedral
1103 200103023 Walter Jones CA037 Twilight Cathedral
1104 200103042 Patrick Duffy ME004 House of the Forgotten Hour
1105 200103043 John Robison TX050 Hearts of Darkness
1106 200103045 Dawn Cullings IND_SW Indep Southwest
1107 200103051 Elijah Scheidemen CA029 Reign of Ash
1108 200103066 Leif Davisson CA036 Void Ascending
1109 200103070 Daniel Heitner CA029 Reign of Ash
1110 200103072 Ismael Edge Gerena TX029 I Tappa Vein
1111 200103080 Amanda Plageman TN001 Technocratic Nation
1112 200104015 Andrew Logue CA035 City of Voices Lost
1113 200104016 Matt Costa CA035 City of Voices Lost
1114 200104025 Chris Fugate CA035 City of Voices Lost
1115 200104037 Jeff Kracht MT002 Chapter Blackmoore
1116 200104038 Christy Jewell MA001 Crescent Moon
1117 200104045 Jennifer Harris IND_SE Indep Southeast
1118 200104050 Thomas Brown CO012 Half Past Midnight
1119 200104054 Jennifer Brown CO012 Half Past Midnight
1120 200104056 Nathaniel Larson TX029 I Tappa Vein
1121 200104058 Holli Hensley TX045 House Mysterium
1122 200104070 Mitch Berthelson CA015 Anathema
1123 200104076 Donna Petersen TN003 Days of Bitter Rage
1124 200104077 Jennifer Childs KY003 Nox Aeternus
1125 200104082 Nancy M. Zorn WA036 House of Corruption
1126 200104092 Robert Nickel CA022 Dark Tower
1127 200104097 James J. Jones CA037 Twilight Cathedral
1128 200104102 Heaven Katcher IND_SW Indep Southwest
1129 200104109 Jake McRea OR014 Shrouded Covenant
1130 200104110 Aja Perbix WA050 Whispering Shadows
1131 200104115 Justin van Breen VA012 Broken Tower
1132 200104120 Derrick Billings MO020 Haus Gotterdamerung
1133 200104144 Joseph Paradis SC009 Chapter XIII
1134 200104145 Jeremy Nieman NY003 Ge'Hinnom Crusade
1135 200104148 Jeff Thelen NY003 Ge'Hinnom Crusade
1136 200104162 John Seaton FL008 Eternal Charade
1137 200104164 Kyle Haines OK004 Gaia's Dream
1138 200104166 Eric Chronister OK003 Lost Colony
1139 200105056 Jamie Homampour NV005 Vegas Stakes
1140 200105064 Erik Plossl GA005 Willow's Heart
1141 200105067 Joseph Zygnerski NY004 Children of the Lost Eden
1142 200105070 Susan Craft-Rendon TX053 Chapter V
1143 200105074 Amanda Brett IN011 Out of the Shadows
1144 200105077 Joseph Barrett CA028 Le Maison du Sanguinaire
1145 200105091 Dylan Stevens IND_SW Indep Southwest
1146 200105094 Matthew Giezentaner NV005 Vegas Stakes
1147 200105095 Nathan Pulley IND_SW Indep Southwest
1148 200105099 Maximillion Douglas MT003 Legion of Shadows
1149 200105102 Karl Galbreath OR033 Dark Decree
1150 200105103 David Scraggs CA029 Reign of Ash
1151 200105119 Jeri Brasch CO006 Knights of Rage
1152 200105122 John Scott WA050 Whispering Shadows
1153 200105125 Michael Kelleher FL011 Covenant of the Poisoned Absinthe
1154 200105129 Mike McMahan TN001 Technocratic Nation
1155 200105141 Dawn Ramos CA034 Dark Side of Eden
1156 200105142 Luke Stuard CA034 Dark Side of Eden
1157 200105143 Elizabeth Hernandez CA034 Dark Side of Eden
1158 200105152 Gerald Claycomb III NV004 Grand Illusions
1159 200105179 Robert Ford AL001 Kindred of the Shadows
1160 200105180 Jen Shew CO011 Shrine of the Crimson Star
1161 200105182 Clayton Larrabee FL024 Conspiracy of Disillusion
1162 200105183 Michael Squire OH007 Blood and Ashes
1163 200105199 Bianca Ride MI004 Lansing by Night
1164 200105222 Benjamin Sather IL007 House of Eternal Knights
1165 200105229 Jeremy Jacobs AZ003 The Last Outpost
1166 200105242 Steven Whitelock AZ009 Misterio Vista
1167 200106003 Ben Livingood MT004 House of the Crimson Moon
1168 200106005 Michael Owskey OR029 Heralds of the Red Star
1169 200106010 Megan O'Shea GA005 Willow's Heart
1170 200106018 Amy Hale CA037 Twilight Cathedral
1171 200106022 Mario Kellert NV005 Vegas Stakes
1172 200106034 Kathryn Gardner CO006 Knights of Rage
1173 200106041 Jeremiah Sanders TN001 Technocratic Nation
1174 200106042 J. Manny Guendulay LA001 Nox Mortis
1175 200106043 Jennifer Cross TX038 Expletive Deleted
1176 200106048 Walter Holt
1177 200106049 Elizabeth Peters TX052 Decadent Deviants
1178 200106060 Marjorie Klugerman VA014 Dark Harbor Chronicle
1179 200106061 Noah Martin MT002 Chapter Blackmoore
1180 200106064 Leslie Grotti Indep_Nort Indep_Northeast
1181 200106067 S.L. Anna Quinn-Gulley CA032 Chateau Gaumont de la Nuit Eternelle
1182 200106090 Michael Lone SC008 Somnium Libre (aka High Star)
1183 200106094 Daniel T. Murphy PA005 House of the Wicked
1184 200106101 John Day SC008 Somnium Libre (aka High Star)
1185 200106106 Charles Parker IND_SW Indep Southwest
1186 200106109 Ian Watstein IND_SW Indep Southwest
1187 200106112 Rebecca Darrah NV006 Dark Glittering Knights
1188 200106116 Robert Falls WA028 Dark Prophecy
1189 200106150 Jeff Roberts NV005 Vegas Stakes
1190 200107015 Jonathan Moyer ME006 Abattoir of the Immortal Beast
1191 200107016 Eric Anderson AK011 Straw Dog Society
1192 200107026 Cameron Simoes-Correia IND_SW Indep Southwest
1193 200107035 Bryan Rawson NV005 Vegas Stakes
1194 200107040 Steve Grandy NV005 Vegas Stakes
1195 200107049 Shelly Birch CO012 Half Past Midnight
1196 200107051 Paul Kadrovach MI006 The Final Path
1197 200107064 Sean K. Morris OR001 Setting Sun
1198 200107067 Sam Evans MT004 House of the Crimson Moon
1199 200107126 Robert Sanders OK003 Lost Colony
1200 200107128 Kristin Faulkner AR003 Crimson Tear Society
1201 200107131 Rozanne Nall TX018 Garden of Thorns
1202 200107133 Rose Sylvia NV006 Dark Glittering Knights
1203 200107193 Phillip Sapienza PA003 Shadow's Veil
1204 200107195 Gillian Twining PA001 House of the Unknown
1205 200108015 John Reyman KY003 Nox Aeternus
1206 200108022 Richard Forguson MO016 Nightmare Theater
1207 200108027 Aaron Atencio CA036 Void Ascending
1208 200108029 Lester Maas MT003 Legion of Shadows
1209 200108037 Kelly Stack MI010 The Long Winter
1210 200108045 Sarah Percival OR034 Chapter Antitribu
1211 200108055 John Pool CO002 Eclectic Rose
1212 200108115 Creston Hof CO012 Half Past Midnight
1213 200109001 Stacey Lewis CN-028 Tainted Violet
1214 200109004 Shannon Tschanz CN-028 Tainted Violet
1215 200109005 Jason Lyle CN-028 Tainted Violet
1216 200109007 Jason Ng CN-028 Tainted Violet
1217 200109009 Beth Wagner CN025 Wine & Roses
1218 200109019 Brendan Gibb CN020 Wine & Ashes
1219 200109027 Darcy Lindberg CN021 Wine & Prophecy
1220 200109037 Weston Shum CN003 Sagas and Storms
1221 200109041 Ian McCormick CN012 Fallen Elms
1222 200109042 Jamie McNulty CN012 Fallen Elms
1223 200109068 Elizabeth Percefull
1224 200109082 Jamison Huebsch IND_SC Indep South Central
1225 200109084 Lucas Allen IND_SC Indep South Central
1226 200109085 Chad Hunter IND_SC Indep South Central
1227 200109089 Jason McCafferty AR008 Raven's Dive
1228 200109097 Anthony Gowell TN003 Days of Bitter Rage
1229 200109114 Kelli Little AK005 Theater of Darkness
1230 200109121 Ben Kluver CA029 Reign of Ash
1231 200109155 Jesse Daniel PA001 House of the Unknown
1232 200110001 Amanda Jane Bell CN019 Barony of Shining Waters
1233 200110026 Jamie Schork CA018 Paradise Lost
1234 200110046 Ken Smith
1235 200110055 Jacob Tessendorf WA048 Empire of Shadows
1236 200110063 David Johnson AR003 Crimson Tear Society
1237 200110088 Bryan McLean CN024 The Gathering
1238 200110106 Zachary Janeka LA004 Vin Rouge
1239 200110118 Jodi Jester IN007 Severance
1240 200110157 Emily Douglas TN001 Technocratic Nation
1241 200110179 Brian Jones GA003 Sept of the Sacred Oak
1242 200110206 Sean CaVazos TX016 Nocturnal Illuminatis
1243 200111014 David Brekelmans CN-028 Tainted Violet
1244 200111017 James Robertson CN-028 Tainted Violet
1245 200111021 Keith Edwards CN-028 Tainted Violet
1246 200111030 Hilary DeLano AL002 Shadows of Vulcan
1247 200111045 Stephen Brown MI004 Lansing by Night
1248 200111054 Robert Kemp MO020 Haus Gotterdamerung
1249 200111078 Debra Deese AR008 Raven's Dive