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Subject: [Coordinators] More VPTech Prestige Awards (September 2001)
From: George Galang <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 01:13:44 -0400

Confirmed awards...

Wade Jones 9707-058 - 6 National
Jen Kuiper 9911-024 - 3 National 
(No report, but she was SOP at my request)
Mary Tonge 9809-083 - 6 National
Brandon Riley - 9710-036 - 6 National
Chazz Mahan 9604-024 - 6 National

Sarah Despars - not reporting yet - 0 National
Ed Cook - 9605-060 10 hrs - 1 National
Sarah Curnutt - 9802-011 40 hrs - 3 National
Jess Hartley - 9708-042 150 hrs - 4 National
Tim Roane - 9808-007 100 hrs - 4 National
Jesse Roberts - 9706-003 15 hrs - 1 National
Keri Urban - 9907-077 80 hrs - 4 National
Aaron James - 9912104 20+ hrs - 2 National
Chance Chandler - 9604-221 100+ hrs - 4 National
Nash Bozard - 9604-220 80 hrs - 4 National
Tyler Brown - 9912-150 75 hrs - 4 National
Randi Pixie Bruner - 9603-040 50 hrs - 3 National
Becky Kozak - 9806-009 165+ hrs - 4 National
Ken Wilson - 9506-007 70+ hrs - 4 National
Shawn Pitre - 9704-001 25 hrs - 2 National
Judith Conly - 9812-023 160 hrs - 4 National
Renee Hawthorne - 9603-152 60 hrs - 4 National

Kaylan Lyndell - 9511-028 - 2 National


George Galang - 9803004



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Last Updated on 12/15/2001