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Serving the U.S. SE Region

45 Days of Summer Canned Food Drive

Here are the prestige totals for the Canned Food Drive. We raised 2,120 cans/items. :-) 
Per Janet McDonald while the last deliveries were taken at SERE 2002, this Canned Food Drive counts for the Month of August in Community Service.  It is NOT to exceed Category Caps.


Name ID Number General Regional # Items Donated
Scott Brown US2002021082 34  16 50 Cans
John Holliday US2002056067 37 13 400 lbs Rice =40 cans
Sarah Holliday US2002022891 37 13 400 lbs Rice =40 cans
Lea Neuhauser US2002022209 37 13 400 lbs Rice =40 cans
Latrice Simmons US2002034222 21 29 34 cans food 54 Bottles baby food
Mac Saxon US2002023179 12 4 12 cans
Steven Garcia US2002021431 12 4 12 cans
Julia Elser US2002021182 22 7 22 items
Roy Elser US2002023980  22 7 22 items
Richard Lockwood US2002021616 24 26 80 items
Don Emerson US2002021526 12 4 12 items
Cathryn Emerson  US2002021455 12 4 12 items
Dani Bork US2002022601 17 5 17 items
Alan Saul US2002022268 36 12 36 items consolidated total
William Pangonis US2002022897 36 16 50 items
Michael Welch US2002022041 34 16 48 items
Danielle Johnston US2002023587 24 8 24 items
Andrew McGregor US2002021878 15 5 15 items
Jennifer Kooken US2002021711 36 12 36 items
Justin Diaz US2002021709 36 12 36 items
Jon Ware US2002022390 10 3 10 items
Anthony Martorello US2002021238 28 22 80 items
James Fredrickson US2002022671  35 11 35 items
Greg Hermann US2002034406 25 8 25 items
Bob Loucks US2002034040 15 5 15 items
Jennifer Mintz US2002023446 34 16 50 items
Billy Nalley US2002020280 20 6 20 items
Sean Ashcraft US2002034264 34 16 51 items
Kristina Futrell US2002034736 35 15 45 items
Trey Holliday US2002023181 15 5 15 items
Joseph McMichael US2002023395 34 16 60 items
Matt Slaton US2002021932 35 15 45 items
Basil Berchekas III US2002023950 10 3 10 items
Bill Davis Jr US2002023867 10 3 10 items
Chris Butler US2002034712  5 1 5 items
Clifford "Burt" Case US2002035012 10 3 10 items
Debbie Pelletier US2002022584 34 16 49 items
Gerald Newson US2002023761 5 1 5 items
James Johnston US2002023041 5 1 5 items
Jeffery Cotten US2002022641 8 2 8 items
John Anderson US2002023602 15 5 15 items
Joseph Nagy Jr US2002023638 5 1 5 items
Julius Miller US2002022868  5 1 5 items
Ken Barnes US2002022112 10 3 10 items
Kim Warthman US2002066308 34 16 50 items
Laura Dasnoit US2002022925 10 3 10 items
Laurie Brown US2002023649 15 5 15 items
Michael Morrison US200301257(temp#)  15 5 15 items
Nathan Huddleston US2002022185 10 3 10 items
Niko Bates US2003011131 5 1 5 items
Nolan Segrest US2002023002 20 6 20 items
Robert McCoy US200301093 10 3 10 items
Sarah Yedell US2002023665 10 3 10 items
Susan Knowles US2002066233  10 3 10 items
Spencer Williams US2002022081 5 1 5 items
Van Smith US2002035147 5 1 5 items
Victor Wohler US2002034501 10 3 10 items
William T Davis Sr US2002022759 20 6 20 items
Willis Wheeler US2002023753 10 3 10 items
Zachary Cooper US2002023443 20 6 20 items
Frankln Kent Jr US2002023438 24 26 80 items
Bonnie Boucek US2002022789  37 13 40 items
Laura McHale US2002023640 32 10 32 items
DJ Powers US2002023114 15 5 15 items
Franny Mulderig US2002034538 34 16 50 items
Ryan Mulderig US2002022566 34 16 52 items
Jason Rummel US2002021151 36 12 36 items
Beth Higgins US2002023435 25 8 25 items
Jennifer Altizer US2002021341  6 2 6 items
Jeffrey Lane US2002021342 6 2 6 items
Gregory Roth US2002022139 6 2 6 items
Chris Wall US2002022141 6 2 6 items
Bill Thompson US2002022142 6 2 6 items
Damion Blue US2002022143 6 2 6 items
John Story US2002034299 6 2 6 items
Brian Rogoski US2002045246 6 2 6 items
Suzanne Carrerio US2002045483 6 2 6 items
William Maher US2002066294 34 16 49 items
Ian Harris US2002021009 10 3 10 items
Chris Simpson US2002022338 35 11 35 items
David Toral US (TN-Pend) 20 6 20 items
Dennis Vaughn US (TN-Pend) 24 8 24 items
Paula Watt US2002022608 34 11 34 items
Ken Patterson US2002022195 15 5 15 Cans
Ron Plumley US2002021841 34 16 50 items
Paul Lee US2002034024 34 16 50 cans
Jackie Valletutti (Pending) 30 10 30 cans
Jonathan Bush   37 13 40 cans
Allen Levy   36 18