
Events Resources Archives Contacts
Serving the U.S. SE Region


Additional Reccommendations for events to assist the Sept. 11 Tragedy (missed on last report):


(RC note these are my recommendations and MUST BE APPROVED BY THE NATIONAL LEVEL before they may be claimed on logs)

Don Emerson  9712-142 1 case of Soup
David G. Whaley  9911-063    Blood Donation  25N
Jamie Johnson   200004-318     Blood Donation  25N
Stephanie Davis  Pending     Blood Donation  25N
Joseph Johns  9911-040   Blood Donation  25N
Mary Ann Whaley  9911-067  Blood Donation  25N
Don Emerson  9712-143  Blood Donation  25N
Ana Maria Seaton 9802-021  Blood Donation  25N
Laura Nichols  9806-039  Blood Donation  25N
John Logan Seaton  200104-162  Attempted donation -  Denied because of 
elevated temperature  25N
Dale Swaney  009703-045  Attempted - Civitan Denied because of elevated 
temperature  25N


Reccommendations for events to assist the Sept. 11 Tragedy:

(RC note these are my recommendations and must be approved by the national level before they may be claimed on logs)

Scott Brown (200003194) Donated 40+ items of clothing  40N
Tim Hardwick (20007017) Blood Donation 25N
Joe Mantler (9904137) Blood Donation   25N
Jerry Willing (200010175) Blood Donation 25N
Danielle Bork  (9904-135) 1 case of soup(approx. 15), 6 blankets, 2 large  
bags of clothing, and other various assorts of canned foods. 40N
Cathy Emerson (9802-016) 2 cases of soup(approx. 15 in each), blanket, and 
other various assorts of canned foods.  40N
James Selvidio (9904-195): Blood Donation 25N
Russ George (9612-083): Blood Donation and plasma donation in Oct, very 
large quantities of whole sale foods. 35N
George Chance Blood Donation 25N
Miranda Allison Blood Donation 25N
James Jones Blood Donation 25N
Todd Baughman Blood Donation 25N
Hilary DeLano Blood Donation 25N
Laura Nichols (9806-039) Blood Donation 25N
Joe Thibadeaux Blood Donation 25N
Ray Whitehead Blood Donation 25N
Aaragon Kiss (200001056) 6 cans foods 6N
Alan Saul 200003067 2 blankets 2N
Bonnie Boucek (9711096) 22 cans food donation 22N
Brian Hogan (200003057) 40 dry food donations, 3 blankets 43N
Callista Bowen-Kiss (200001049) 6 cans food 6N
Christine "Chria" Williams (200004038) 1 blanket 1N
DJ Power (200004205) 7 cans food 7N
Franklin Earl Kent Jr (200008089) 41 cans food, 2 blankets 43N
Jason "Jake" Henderson (200011122) 6 cans food 6N
Jeff Willoughby (200006134) 13 cans food, 1 blanket 14N
Jimmy R. Williams (9703003) 6 cans food 6N
J. Kirk Jennings (9812048) 10 cans food, 1 blankets 11N
Laura McHale (9711097) 22 cans food 22N
Allen Levy (9908-025)  donation of blood, donation to the humane society of 
2 20 lbs. bags of food for the rescue dogs. 27N
Mey De Alarcon (9504-103) Organizing charities 15N
Julia Elser (2000-05-016) Blood Donation 25N
Kevin Gray (2000-01-111) Blood Donation 25N
Rod Young [pending] blood donation 25N


The following members made a monetary donation to the Sept 11 Relief Fund:

[RC Note many cities got so stocked on blood and food in the days after the tragedy that they asked specifically for monetary donations. I know we do not condone money=prestige but if it is decided that they can receive something for these donations, Please let me know and I will make recommendations if needed]

Quinton A Nichols 200012-002 $5.00
John Store 9902-050 $5.00
Kyle Noseworthy  9801-012 $10.00
Paul Michael Janousek 9511-005  $10.00
David Whaley  9911-063 $10.00
Mary Ann Whaley 9911-067 $10.00
Joel Lambert 9903-134 $25
Randall Stanton 9901-077 $5
Ken Patterson 9901-079 $70
Vince Munroe 9901-072 $55
Amy Osborne 9901-067 $ 119
Mike Smith 9812-108 $36
Bill Malvasi 2000-04-076 $3
Spencer Williams 2000-03-220 $5
Kendra Durboraw 179 $15
Nolan Segreat 2001-03-013 $100
David Williams 9812-112 $40
Jim Armstrong 9806-108 $30
Mike Gaines 9906-129 $121
Bill Davis 2000-01-004 $22
Billy Davis 2000-01-005 $22
Jack Bozeman 9901-070 $5
Brent Taylor 2000-10-009 $90
Karen Downey 9902-088 $3
Evan Downey 9812-107 $3
Zack Cooper 2000-05-104
Tim Hardwick (20007017) $100
Jerry Willing (200010175) $50
Danielle Bork  9904-135  $6.00
Cathy Emerson 9802-016 $5.00
Don Emerson  9712-142 $5.00
Julia Elser 2000-05-016 $30


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Last Updated on 12/15/2001