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1998 June SE-RST Report
Name Chapter Position General Regional Bonus
Jeff Cisneros Regional ARST 20
Greyson Lallement Regional ARST 20
Pete Warner Regional ARST 20
Charles Bailey Regional ARST 20
Todd Cleveland Regional ARST 20
Ken Wilson Bay of Tears DST 40
Nick Thomas Bay of Tears ADST 20
Steven DaFoe Scarlett Sin CST 40 10 G
John 'Thor' Gould Sanguine Moon ACST 10
David 'Adian' Baker Sanguine Moon CST 40 15 G
Christian Little Venice CST 40 10 G
Michael Mitchell Little Venice ACST 30 15 G
George Marasca Little Venice ACST 30 5 G
Daniel Utrecht Dark Embrace DST 20
Perry Lee Tainted Kiss CST 20
Mike McDevitt Dark Embrace ADST 30
Jeff Cisneros Twilight Dreams ACST 15
Doug Koblarz Twilight Dreams CST 20
Eli Valentine Lost Highways CST 0
Thomas Kee Blood Moon DST 40
Chris Osburne Eclipsed Moon CST 15
David Sides Charletonus Ab Noctum CST 45
Chazz Mahan Charletonus Ab Noctum ACST 30
Jim Chasteen Charletonus Ab Noctum ACST 15
Timothy Ingraham Onyx Illuminatus CST 40
Tom Grabenbaur Blood Moon ADST 30
Matt Dombrowski Blood Moon ADST 20
Wade Jones Blackened Hearth DST 40
Geoffrey Fortier Blackened Hearth CST 40
Christopher Hooker Sacred Oak CST 40
George Galang Blackened Hearth ADST 30
Tony Perry Blackened Hearth ADST 30
Laura McHale False Daylight CST 40
Ernest Shealy Eternal Council CST 40
Hans Belanger Poisoned Absinthe CST 40
Paul Janosek Eternal Charade CST 40
Annette Gardner Torn Curtain Players CST 40
Randy Bower Kindred of the Shadows CST 40
Tim Harris Libertas Aeterna CST 40
Shawn Willoughby Shadowed Glen CST 0
Michael Dent Shades of Pale CST 40
Tristan Riter Red Tide CST 20
Alan Patterson Werian Argentum Ocali CST 20
Reece Powell Shadow of Vulcan CST 40
Logan Boatfield Fayetteville NC CST New
Kevin Woods Montgomery Al CST New
Ty Cassidy Jacksonville Fl CST New

Additional Prestige Recommendations
Brad Peinhardt Kindred of the Shadows 20
Edward Boudreaux Kindred of the Shadows 10
Michelle Carver Kindred of the Shadows 5
Nathan Corkil Eternal Charade 25
Jennifer Price Eternal Charade 25
Krista Kinder Eternal Charade 5
Sean Posey Eternal Charade 15
Hope Summerall Bay of Tears 5
Jeff Lane Bay of Tears 5
Gretchen Goodrich Bay of Tears 5
John 'Thor' Gould Bay of Tears 20 G

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Last Updated on 12/15/2001