1999 March SE-RST Report

Subject: [SE-C] ST Prestige
From: "Robert A. Maxwell" <rmax@mindspring.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:55:47 -0400

Hello everyone;
Many of you have asked for the RSTs prestige recommendations, so I am posting them here for you to reveiw. Wade Jones (RST) will also be sending me a copy of the prestige recommendations he has made to date for you to review.

Remember, current policy is to accept the RSTs prestige recommendations as they stand. If you wish to give prestige above this amount, you better be ready to justify it to the RC and above. Note: If they received low prestige for late reporting or non-reporting, then you really need a good justification for going above the recommendation. REMEMBER: On time reporting is part of the JOB DESCRIPTION.

RST REPORT: March 15, 1999

Ken Wilson, jovaire@hotmail.com, 10 regional
(late Report)
Todd Cleveland, tacster@viperlink.net, 20 regional
(On time report)
Shifter (interim) 
Robert Maxwell, rmax@mindspring.com, 30 regional
(On time report)

FL-D01 Bay of Tears (Tampa/St.Pete)
Ken Wilson, jovaire@hotmail.com, 10 open

Ken's Recommendations: Extrememly late Report
CST-Tampa: Jeff Lane, report received- 40 open
CST- StPete: Nick Thomas, some communication, no report- 0 open
ACST- StPete: Jake Rush, report received- 20 open
FL-D02 Dark Embrace (Orlando) 
Larry Smith, Malkav6669@hotmail.com, 25 Open
Late Report Report not in Standard Format.

Larry's Recommendations:
FL-004 Tainted Kiss (orlando) CST Shane Murphy 40 Open
FL-015 Twilight Dreams (orlando) CST Doug Koblarz 10 Open
FL-018 Lost Highways (orlando) CST Eli Valentine 40 Open
SC-D01 Blood Moon (Charleston) 
David Sides, 40 open

David's Recommendations:
SC-001 Charlstonus A. N. CST David Sides: 40 open
SC-004 Eclipsed Moon CST Chance Chandler: 40 open
Influences ADST Tom Grabenbaur: 20 open
GA-D01 Black Dog (Atlanta) 
George Galang, George_Galang@bscc.bls.com, 40 open

George's recommendations:
GA-001 Blackened Hearth (atlanta) CST Geoffrey Fortier 40 Open
GA-003 Sacred Oak (atlanta) CST Mike Boaz 40 Open
Chris Hooker (ADST Mortals) - 30 open
Drew Davidson (ADST Influences) - 20 open
Charles Bailey (ADST Administration) 20 open

Independent CSTs:
AL-001 Kindred of the Shadows (Auburn) 
Brad Peinhardt, jgros@earthlink.net
40 Open
AL-002 Shadows of Vulcan (Birmingham) 
Reece Powell, valchilde@wwisp.com
40 Open
AL-003 Dark Heart of Dixie (Montgomery) 
Kevin Woods, BookofNo@aol.com
40 Open
AL-004 Twilight Council (Birmingham) 
Dean Otts, deannamy@mindspring.com
40 Open
AL-005 (Prattville) 
David Bounds,
10 Open No report First Month
FL-005 Isle of the Red Tide (Coco) 
Larry Jarrell, larry@techpart.net
30 Open Late Report
FL-008 Eternal Charade (Ocala) 
Paul M. Janousek, istochnik@mfi.net
10 Open No Report First Month
FL-011 Poisoned Absinthe (Gainesville) 
Peter Carr, malkav@pop.gate.net
25 Open Late Report
FL-019 Werian Argentum Ocali (SilSpr) 
Rick Ehrie, ODMCFORME@aol.com
20 Open Late Report
FL-021 Jacksonville No Report Dead?
FL-022 Hileah No Report Dead?
FL-023 Eternal Cliché (?Miami?/?Coco?) 
Roger Alderman, roger-alderman@usa.net
30 Open Late Report (Sent via SnailMail, Late penalty halfed)
FL-024 Conspiracy of Disillusionment (Pensacola) 
Michael Santschil, guido_sarduchi@worldnet.att.net 
40 Open
GA-002 False Daylight (Augusta) 
Laura McHale, Kaytlin@aol.com
10 Open No Report, No communication Second Month
GA-004 Steel Thorns (Macon) 
Rob Fowler, rfowler@gowebway.com
40 Open
Mississippi: none
North Carolina:
NC-001 The Ties That Bind(Fayetteville) 
Logan Boatfield, loganvobis@juno.com
40 Open
South Carolina:
SC-003 Eternal Council (Columbia) 
Ernest Shealy, EOShealy@Newberry.Net
35 Open Late Report
SC-005 Libertas Aeterna (Fort Mill) 
Tim Harris, harrist@ruby.winthrop.edu
On Prestige Strike, No Games Held, No Prestige.
TN-001 Torn Curtain Players (Nashville) 
Annette Gardner, Stasci@aol.com
40 Open
TN-002 Shades of Pale (Chattanooga)
Michael Dent, jamesnieman@sprintmail.com
40 open
TN-003 Dark River Society (Nashville) 
Jason Smith, darkriversociety@hotmail.com
40 open

Robert A. Maxwell 
(9401-126) SER ARST-Shifter



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