These awards are all in the Administration category.
Name Membership # Prestige Category
Jennifer Kooken US2002021711 30R ARST Service - June
James Fredrickson US2002022671 30R ARST Service - June
Steve Z. US2005043238 30R ARST Service - June
Quentin Brown US2002055984 30R ARST Service - June
Nikki Hauser US2003011029 30R ARST Service - June
Jason Saice US2004122502 0R ARST Service - June
Wade Jones US2002023144 20R AARST Service - June
Tracy Murray US2002056167 20R AARST Service - June
Anne Latham US2002066289 10R AARST Service - June
Jake Tessler US2002022694 10R AARST Service - June
Anthony Macedo US2002034152 10R AARST Service - June
These awards are recommendations only gathered from the RST. Actual
awards will be made by the domain coordinator.
Name Membership # Prestige Domain-Month
Jeremy Amason US2002021456 40G (AL-001 - June)
Jason Clark US2002022190 40G (AL-009 - June)
Reece Powell US2002034290 0G (AL-013 - June)
Mark Hill US2002022031 30G (AL-016 - June)
Chris Ciszek US2002023110 0G (FL-005 - June)
Jesse Masterson US2002022815 30G (FL-011 - June)
David Whaley US2002021388 40G (FL-019 - June)
Steve Shasteen US2002022290 30G (FL-024 - June)
Brent Cerrato US2002022439 30G (FL-032 - June)
David Hofmann US2002106704 40G (FL-034 - June)
Steve Z. US2005043238 40G (FL-035 - June)
Ray Myers US2003061760 0G (FL-036 - June)
Kristopher Marlow US2004051430 40G (FL-037 - June)
Jill Baldwin US2005116903 40G (GA-009 - June)
Ian Stuck US2002021712 0G (GA-010 - June)
Jeremy Norton US2002022625 0G (GA-011 - June)
James David Williams US2002034253 40G (GA-012 - June)
James Nail US2005085898 40G (MS-001 - June)
Matt Carpenter US2002034732 0G (NC-006 - June)
Patrick Gerrity US2004061573 40G (TN-007 - June)
Sam Flegal US2002066283 40G (TN-011 - June)
Shawn Presley US2002022695 40G (TN-012 - June)
These awards are all in the Administration category.
Name Membership # Prestige CC/Venue-Chapter-Month
TJ Mauldin US2004112360 0G (RE VST AL-017-I - June)
Darren Murray US2002022194 40G (FO VST AL-017-I - June)
Nicki Mauriello US2005075804 40G (RE VST FL-038-I - June)
Rae Barnett US2005012695 0G (RE VST FL-039-I June)
Enrique Torres US2002022860 30G (RE VST NC-007-I - June)