SCUTUM EMBLEM PATTERNS                   5/4/01

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       Linked below are three pages, each with a different part of the Legion's shield emblem design.  The lightning bolts have a scale of inches included, and if the other portions do not print out full size they can simply be enlarged to the necessary size.  There are two sizes of lightning bolts--use whichever works best for your shield.
       For those of you who are not active members of the Twentieth Legion, these elements can be combined or altered to form many of the known shield emblems.

Lightning bolt


Spine and Horizontal Arrow

       Below is a photo of my latest scutum, with a nicer and more accurate wing than our previous attempts.  Inspired by Dan Peterson's Legio XIIII, I have added white "spines" to the feathers, not shown on the pattern, which make a very pleasing touch.  This is also a "rimless" shield, with the leather of the front folded around the edge to the back and stitched through.

*Home*Handbook Intro*Tunic*Caligae*Cloak*Belt*Helmets*Segmentata*Hamata*Squamata*Subarmalis*Scutum*Gladius*
*Pilum*Pugio*Packs*Mess Gear*Tools*Crests*Drill*Leatherworking*Armoring*