SoV Changeling LARP

Venue Information
Venue Storyteller: Bill Malvasi []
Sponsoring City: Montgomery, AL
Sponsoring Chapter: Autumn Forge domain
Sponsoring Venue's Website: TBP

Ruler: Count Dargon Blackheart of House Gwydion (Jack Bozeman [])

Like Ironheart County, Crimson Phoenix has seen tumultuous times. In 1999 they faced a threat created by a Lost One who challenged the city after Duke Firedrake left Ferris Castle for the Duchy of Palmetto. No sooner had they (or the Dreaming) defeated her than a chimerical plague swept through, almost destroying everyone. By early 2001 the County weas again strong, under Count Octavious of House Fiona. In mid-2001 Octavious left, and Duke Nought invested Baron Dargon of House Gwydion as the new Count.

 [Duchy of Cotton]  [Changeling]
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[County Keep]