My kit at Roman Days,
September 2014, George Mason University. This chiton
(tunic) is blue linen, about 41" wide by 44" tall, simply
a rectangle of fabric folded and sewn up one side to form
the body. There are no armholes at the sides;
instead, the back is pulled forward and pinned or stitched
to the front at two places, forming the neckhole in the
middle and the armholes on either side. Originally I
ironed pleats into the bottom half, though they had to be
re-done after each washing so eventually I gave up on
them! My tie belt is made of a folded and stitched
strip of linen. The fullness of the chiton can be
seen below. Helmet by Joe Piela of Lonely Mountain
Forge. I made my own crest, cuirass, greaves, sword,
and sandals--see the links above to other pages with more
Showing inside of
my first shield. My helmet was made by Joe Piela (Lonely
Mountain Forge) of 18-gauge bronze. The exact
alloy of the bronze is unknown, being some large sheets of
scrap I picked up for a song. Ancient bronze was
copper with 10 to 15 percent tin, but modern bronzes
usually have little or no tin. To most people, the
color is the important part, modern brass (copper and 25
to 30 percent zinc) being more yellowish than
bronze. I made my greaves and the hoplon porpax
(armband) from the same bronze, but the shield rim is
brass. |
Cheryl Boeckmann (Ampelios)
and myself at the Virginia Junior Classical League
convention (VJCL), November 2014. It was a BLAST,
2200 enthusiastic high school Latin (and Greek!)
students. (We were actually there as part of my
Legio XX.) Cheryl painted the inside and outside of
her shield, and made her own spolas. I'm wearing my
Archaic kit, c. 650 BC, with bell cuirass, Naue II sword,
and early Corinthian helmet. My chiton is the
earlier narrow style, made of blanket wool with wool
embroidered decoration and fringe. |
Our spread at
VJCL. Cheryl's glorious shield and helmet at
right, and her "fou-fou" or charcoal barbecue in front of
the basket at left. Most of the rest is mine (except
the Roman shields). Note that I have used the sacred
Roman battle standard as a hat rack. (Part of the
fun of being Greek is that even the Romans are
On the second day,
I seduced two of the Romans over to the Greek side!
Chris as a thureophoros, and Quinton as a peltast.
I'm in my Macedonian rig, with spolas. That's my
long spear, since the sarissa was just a little dangerous
to be swinging around in a lobby full of students!
Part of Joe Balmos'
display at Roman Days 2014. He has a lot of
excellent gear, and goes through a LOT of metal polish!
Through Time (MTT), April 2014. Here I am
being civilized and sharing my sunshade with a
Roman (Richard Campbell of Legio XX). Note
the spiffy and very functional petasos hat.
"Hellenic Warriors"
at the Baltimore Greek Independence Day parade, March
2009. That's me with the blue shield with the
eye. Cheryl Boeckmann carries the black shield with
the scorpion, and Dan Zeidler is the Thracian peltast at
far left. John Trikeriotis, the group leader,
carries the shield with the red, white, and black radial
pattern. http://300spartanwarriors.com/
Dan Zeidler
as a Thracian peltast. His pelta shield is
made from two wicker door matts stitched together,
cut to shape, and covered in leather.
Unfortunately his really nifty patterned cloak
isn't visible here. His boots are converted
from "Apache" or "Minetonka" boot moccasins, with
the fringe removed and flaps added.
Photo I took at the
British Museum in 1984. Corinthian helmet at top
left, with some sort of pilos helmet below. Greaves
at center, with an nice pair of articulated footguards in
front! Right is a Thracian helmet and a muscle
cuirass, presumably either Macedonian or (more likely)
Italian. Also a couple cute little bronze spearheads
and 4 sling bullets. |
Another Corinthian
helmet at the British Museum, dating about 550 BC, at a
guess. |