<P align=center>Festivals</P align=center>

Rites and Festivals


Feast of the Dead

The Sarr Funeral Rite or Feast of the Dead is one of the most important rites among the Sarr, in which the bodies of the dead are consumed. It is considered the utmost insult to refuse to eat a vanquished foe (hence the horrible consequence of returning the body untouched in a blood feud). The sword and armor are given to a close member of the family.

T'he entire family and all friends of the deceased are invited to the death feast. The more people present, the greater the honor to the deceased.

The family gathers in the predawn, small fires burning, and incense scenting the air. The deceased is placed on a bier to be carried by clan members through town. A gong is struck, once for each year of the deceased's life, with a pause between each strike.

T'he procession proceeds slowly through town headed by the clan banner. Clan members wearing ritual masks and playing on drums and cymbals, make noise to scare away any evil that would harm the deceased. Following the mask wearers are the sword-bearers to make sure that no harm comes to any including the deceased at this time. The body follows with the family and friends making up the rear of this procession, all dressed in their finest.

The procession ends at the home of the deceased, wherever the bier is placed before a brazier which is lit by the closest family member of the deceased. The personal belongings of the deceased, except for those given to family, are burned in the brazier and each person at the feast gives gifts to the departed and a personal eulogy. The body is then consumed amid much feasting and celebration.

The only part of the body not eaten on most occasions is the fur, which is sometimes wom in honor and remembrance of the dead.

The Rite of Birth

When a Sarr is born the midwife, usually a sister of the mother, will present the child or children to the father. The father in turn will present the child or children to the clan's ancestors. If the mother has no sister, the mid-wiving falls to a favored female cousin. Five days after the birth both the mother and the child are blessed. The mother usually names the child. If the mother did not survive the birthing, the child is given a variation of her name.

Rites of Childhood

There are three rites of childhood. When the child is weaned, a silken cloth is cut and burned. When he first walks a lock of hair is cut and burned. When he utters his first word, he is blessed and given his second name by his mother. If the mother is dead, the naming falls to the mother's sister or a favored female cousin.

Rite of Honor

This is a ceremony of vassalage or allegiance. Obligations are announced before a gathering of those concerned. The sword of the lesser ranking Sarr is given to the higher-ranking Sarr, signifying that the one trusts the other with the guardianship of his honor and his life. A Sarr undergoing this rite is not responsible for the honor of any act the other requires him/her to commit-all obligation and responsibility falls upon the other.

Clan Rite

This is a rite involving adoption. A person can be adopted into another clan or family. This is rare but does occur.(This rite is used mainly by the Liger clan). The honored person may be adopted, creating bonds of blood and honor that nothing can erase. Before a gathering of the entire clan, the adoptee is blooded by te sword or knife of every adult member. In turn, the adoptee drinks from a cup in which blood from the entire clan-including children-has been mixed. (If it happens that the adoptee is not strong enough to survive the rite, he is consumed in a Feast of the Dead with great ceremony.)


Festival of the Dead

Held at the beginning of te new year the Festival of the Dead is a festival honoring the ancestors of the clan. It is a time to gather and tell stories and catch up on what has been happening during the year. At this time the livestock are traded to strengthen bloodlines.


Held on the third and ninth month of each year, it is a feast held all around Jahavra wherein allof a particular clan who wish to mate are invited. It is held by each clan and helps ensure pure bloodlines and no interbreeding. All at the party gather in one room and feast amid catnip incense and drink catnip wine and choose a compnanion. The children of these unions are considered special.

Festival of the Hunt

A great hunt is held in the forest of Ganj az Garaxtan for a stag. The stag, having a mark on it, if caught is prepared for feasting, if it is not caught a feast is held anyway. This is an old festival and no one really know what it represents. If a clan cannot get to the hunt, scavenger hunts followed by feasting are held all around the country.

Festival of Honor

During this time in July clan gatherings are held and vows of allegiance renewed, disputes settled, honor duels held. Also at this time indentured servants may buy themselves free if not having been indentured as a punishment.

Festival of Family

Gathering of family groups together. Rites of childhood and rites of passage initiated at this time. Also presentation of totems.

Harvest Festival/Market Day

A festival celebrating the harvest. Each clan goes to Jadugar Senf for a 7-day trip to market to trade for the coming years supplies. At this time 10% of the harvest is given to the Ligers. Harvest dinners are held all around Jahavra.

Festival of Balance

This festival is a reaffirmation that anything done whether good or bad has consequences on the whole. Usually held in each city and attended by all clans.